when you're sick

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What would your Beatle do if he found out you were sick?


John Lennon:
John would immediately rush home and ask you millions of questions about how you are feeling. He would make you awful tasting soup, but call a doctor to come check you out no matter how bad you're feeling. He wants the best care for you. He will lay in bed next to you until Epstein threatens to take away his job. But even while he is working he calls you up to check on you and give you lots of love and kisses, making you laugh as a form of medicine.

Ringo Starr:
Although he may be working, he will come home with flowers, medicines, chocolates, and lots of love just for you. He will buy you a teddy bear to hold if he can't be there, and even if you are throwing up he will be right by your side. He could never bear to leave you when you are feeling anything less than the best and that's how your relationship has lasted so long. He vowed to take care of you and he abides by it all the time.

George Harrison:
Your Georgie will buy anything and everything you wish for. He will make sure that you are just having a simple cold by sending the best medical care over to you. He will hold your hand while you go through your pain, and cuddle you while you rest, making sure you have the best forms of entertainment. Most importantly he will let nothing come in the way of helping you get better as soon as possible. Hope you like clingy;)

Paul McCartney:
What won't he do when you're sick? He will shower you with lots of love, soothe you to sleep with his gentle voice, pluck his guitar and still run all the new songs by you like usual. And don't be surprised when he comes home with lots of amazing comfort foods, including Mac and cheese and lots of mashed potatoes. Expect lots of cuddles and wholesome care from him.


I am sorry for the delay in imagines I've been lacking inspiration

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