absolutely : paul

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"Daddy, why should I have to go? It's a friend of your friends! It's not even a relative." You pouted, standing still as the designer pinned and picked at the dress you had on.

"Honey, I thought you liked the Beatles." His cigarette bobbed in his mouth as he adjusted his tie in the large mirror next to you.

"Not at all. They are much too snobby." You lifted your nose to the air in disgust.

"Very well. But you're going. No further questions." He smoothed out his tie and pointed a stern finger at you. "Now is she done?" He added impatiently to the lady hemming the bottom of your gown.

"Only a moment longer." She hushed.

"Great." Your father rolled his eyes. "We are leaving in 10 minutes." He looked at his watch and then proceed out the door. You huffed and blew a piece of hair out of your face.


"Hi." You shook a hand.

"Yes." You responded.

"Lovely." You mustered a smile.

"Wonderful to meet you."

"How much longer?" You spoke quietly to your mother who stood shaking hands with you.

"Be quiet. It's one afternoon, not a year." She hissed.

Feels like it. You said to yourself as you went to find the bar. Although you were underage, you took a glass and shot back the champagne quickly.

"Hiding from someone?" A voice spoke behind you, almost making you choke on the liquid as it went down your throat. "Didn't mean te scare ye." He giggled.

"Yer fine." You mocked his accent.

"So, yer father owns Capitol records, I hear?" He took a glass for himself.

"Owns? No.Runs? Yes. Over here people have other people do their job." You took back another glass off a passing tray. He laughed and dug his hands into his pockets.

"Ye don't look to happy te be 'ere."

"Why should I?" You laughed dryly. You turned to notice his face. He had bright hazel eyes that pulled you into him and a rounded, adorable face.

"what's yer name?" He asked, keeping the conversation going.

"Y/N." You replied, smiling slightly at him.

"Lovely. I'm Paul..McCartney." He added, extending a hand to shake.

"Oh...the cute beatle." You replied, laughing at your own joke. He sighed and smiled sweetly at you.

"If that's me new name these days.." he sighed.

"Well, it was nice to meet you." You started to walk off and find another small corner to be alone. You were wearing a long, cream silk dress that fit your body nicely.

"Wait!" Paul called out, running up behind you. "Uh..lets get out of here." He smiled at you and assisted you to the nearest exit. You were slightly hesitant.

"Are you stealing me?"

"Oh, hush. Come on, luv. It'll be fun." He motioned you to follow him as he quickly went down the steps and down to the sidewalk, just outside the Plaza, where the party was held.

"I don't like you." You added, crossing your arms.

"I never asked ye to." He winked, taking your hand and crossing the street into a little tourist shop.

"Won't people notice you?" You asked as you watched Paul frantically search the racks.

"The risk is part of the fun." He smirked and placed a fedora upon your head. "Better if we disguise ourselves." You laughed and grabbed some sunglasses and placed them on his face. They were circular, purple and hot pink ones.

"I think you look really good in those." You commented sarcastically. He posed in the mirror and grabbed a fluffy scarf and wrapped it poshly around his neck.

"Thank ye very much." He responded, impersonating Elvis. The two of you paid for the silly little disguises, including a mustache.

The two of you walked off down the street, laughing.

"My father is going to kill me when he finds out that I left the party."

"A sentence much worth the fun." Paul waved a finger in the air and puffed out his chest as he spoke professionally.

"This hasn't been much fun to deserve a life sentence." You folded your arms and smirked. Paul paused and then grabbed your hand, pulling you in the opposite direction.

"Come 'ed!" He snuck you into an alley and searched each door, looking for something you were unaware of. "Here. It's George's secret little place." The two of you discarded the disguises and Paul opened the door and walked in. Smells came wafting into your nostrils from all sorts of directions as he pulled you past a large kitchen full of chefs. "Now, make sure ye aren't seen by.."

"McCartney!!" A woman yelled out, standing in view of the two of you, her face red.

"..her." Paul giggled and took off running, with you trailing along. "She's the real powerhouse of this kitchen. She loathes the band and I for sneaking..." He pulled you around to face a large buffet table. "Food."

"Where are we?"

"I'm pretty sure it's a Hilton." He responded casually, munching on a chip.

"Paul! We can't be here!"

"Shhhh...ye already said yer getting a life sentence, so make it worth it." He shrugged and grabbed a bag and filled it with all sorts of food on the table. You rolled your eyes but did the same.

"Get back here, boy!" The woman yelled again, her voice closer. Paul smirked and looked at you.

"Ye know...yer very beautiful.." Paul leaned in closer to you.

"W-What are you doing?" He brushed your hair behind your ear.

Paul moved his face closer to yours, your lips only a centimeter apart. However as he leaned in to kiss you, the lady came into view and Paul took your hand and bag of food and started running out until you reached a door that led back to the street.

The two of you continued walking until you reached a park, and you sat down under a tree.

"Well...let's eat." You suggested, pulling out some fruit.

"Uh, hold that thought." He giggled and looked down before locking eyes with you. He lightly grabbed your chin and pulled you into him, kissing you.

"Paul.." You began to say.

"Before ye tell me we can't be together...let me have a sandwich." He laughed and took a bite from a PB&J you stole.

The two of you spent the rest of the day with each other, romantically kissing on top of the Plaza before reluctantly going back to the party. You and Paul separated with a goodbye kiss and you headed back over to your father, who didn't even noticed you left.

"Did you have a good time today?" He asked brightly.

"Absolutely." Paul smirked at you from the opposite corner of the room.


I could/should have extended this imagine but I don't want to make them too long.

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