✰ pond : paul

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"You were always a little slut!" Your ex-boyfriend yelled in your face. Tears were pouring down your cheeks. He grunted in agony before walking back up to the bridge over the pond and leaving you by the bank, weeping into your knees.

"He seems like a dick if you ask me.." A unfamiliar voice spoke from the trees behind you. You whipped around, startled and full of emotions.

"A-are you stalking me?!" You shouted out unexpectedly, just overcome with emotion. You quickly brought yourself back to a calm level and he approached you, tossing a smooth stone in his hand. He then sat next to you on the rocks.

"So." He huffed. "What's yer name?"

"Y/N." You sniffle, placing your chin on your knees.

"Lovely. I'm Paul." He extended a hand to you, which you took with hesitation.

He smiled at you and wiped away a lonely tear sliding down your cheek.

"Ye shouldn't cry over a guy like that."

"Well..heartbreak is painful." You choked on more tears. Paul wrapped his arm around you and pulled you into him, comforting you.

"I know it is baby.." His words were soft and comforting.

"I'm sorry that i'm crying like this." You sniffle, pulling your head away from his chest to look into his hazel eyes.

"No, don't be. I understand pain too. I lost me mum about two years ago."

"Oh." You gasped softly. "I'm so sorry for your loss, Paul." He gave you a small, sympathetic smile before turning his face to look out at the pond in front of you, the sun glimmering against the surface.

"It's alright. I always liked to come 'ere as an escape of sorts." He sighed and picked up a couple rocks in his hand, handing one to you. "Me friend John told me to throw rocks into the pond to channel a good anger." He laughed, stood up and then looked down at you. "Come 'ed." He helped you up off the ground.

"S-So how does this work?" You asked, cracking a warm smile. Paul giggled lightly before his eyes wandered over your body, marveling at you. He then switched back to focus but you were already blushing.

"Ye will yell, and then throw the rock as hard as ye can. Then the thing ye were upset about should be gone...not really...but ye get the point. I'll start." He placed his feet into a stance and tossed the rock a couple of times in his hands, thinking of something. Then he looked at you and nodded. "I HATE HOW I CAN'T BE WITH ME MUM!" He yelled, chucking the rock into the water and then laughing. "Ye go."

You did as he said and prepared yourself the same way he did. "I WISH ERIC TREATED ME BETTER!!" You really yelled out and even Paul's eyes widened at the anger you just mustered. "Great way to impress a guy when first meeting him, right?" You laughed lightly.

"I for one, think ye are VERY impressive." He smirked, walking over to you. You dropped the other rock in your hand and wrapped your arms around his neck, pulling his face closer to you. Paul then leaned into you, pulling your waist into him and crashing his plump and whole lips against yours, kissing you again and again with more passion.

"That, was very impressive." You giggled, pulling your lips away from his. However he wanted more and placed his hand on the side of you face and looked at your lips before grinning and pulling you into him for a second time, parting his lips as he kissed you.

The two of you held each other against the bank and just looked at each other for what felt like forever..but in a comforting way.

"So..would ye fancy a date with me?" Paul smirked.

"No." You replied sarcastically, watching his face twist into a soft expression. Then he dramatically pretended to be hurt and offended by your response.

"Wow! I mean.." He acted, making you burst out laughing at how adorable he was. He picked you up off of the ground and looked up at you before gently placing your feet back on the stones below.

"I would love to go get some food...?" You hint.

"If that's what me bird wants, it's what she will get." He smiled, placing his arm around your shoulder and walking off towards the bridge with you beside him.

"Oh so I'm yours now?" You smile up at him cheesily.

"Yes." He stopped in place and leaned in, kissing you again quickly. "All mine." He beamed, wrapping his arm around you again and walking across the bridge. Each of you leaving your anger back in the pond, and discovering your newly-found happiness.


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