you're drunk : john

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I had taken the evening to sneak out of the house and get into the cavern club with a friend of mine named Amelia. She was lovely and knew secret passages in. That and her brother worked as a bouncer.

I realized sooner or later that the Beatles were performing; I was friends with them all because we attended the same college.

"I'm Stuart." A boy smiled, reaching out a hand. I took it and responded.

"Olivia. Nice to meet you!" I had stopped dancing now as Stuart led me over to the bar. My night was almost over as it was nearing 11 pm.

"Do you attended the arts school?" I asked him, grabbing a drink.

"Yes, yes I do. For painting. And you?" He asked me back kindly.

"I attend there for writing."

"That's amazing." He smiled. He was a very handsome boy, and almost completely took my mind off things.

"Stu, who's the bird?" A familiar voice struct from behind us. I turned around to face John.

"Olivia?" John asked Stuart through clenched teeth.

"Hi John." I smiled, the alcohol kicking in.

"You two know each other?" Stuart asked, confused.

"Know each other? We're mates!" I laughed, wrapping a loose arm around John's neck. He pried it off of him in disgust and sat me back down on my barstool. "Buzz Kill." I slurred, taking down another beer and a half.

"Olivia and I just met." Stuart smiled to John, who didn't look as happy as he sounded when he first walked over here.

"Got it. You leave the band go paint, but I find you trying to pick up girls at the bar." John nodded before heading back off to the stage to help put away equipment.

"John.." I heard Stu say after him.

I was very wasted and my legs were starting to feel sore from all the dancing I did.

"Need help home, luv?" Stuart asked me, taking the drink I had picked up and setting it back down.

"No!!" I slurred loudly, getting off the barstool and going to the now empty dance floor.

"Okay, Olivia." Stuart laughed as I dragged him along with me.

I noticed John staring at me dancing to silence, watching closely as my body moved against Stuart.

"Kiss me." I say to Stuart, almost begging.

"I don't think you're-" he began, but I cut him off by cupping his face and pulling him towards me, planting a deep and sloppy kiss on his lips, and despite me being drunk it was a good kiss.

"Okay that's enough!" John called out, walking from the stage and down to where I was with Stu, picking me up and slinging me over his shoulder.

"Hey! Put me down you prick!" I yelled out, kicking and attacking his back.

"Sorry Stu. I've gotta get 'er home." I heard John say before turning around with me still over his shoulder. "Goodnight, boys." John said to the band.

I waved to them as my vision got fuzzy for a second. My eyes fixed on John's butt which was right in front of my face.

"Cute butt." I smirked, squeezing it with my hand.

"Alright!" John squealed slightly, lifting me up again but this time placing me back on the floor. "That's enough of that."

I giggled back at him. "Teddy boy has a cute butt."

"Where do ye live?"

"Mars!" I shouted, jumping in the air.

"You're too drunk to go home." He said firmly.

"Well on mars being drunk is being happy." I stated matter-of -factly.

"Oh well if that's the case!" John remarked sarcastically, mocking me.

"I can walk home!" I shouted proudly, marching in the other direction from where John was leading me.

"No you're not." He said, holding me back.

The street was rather quiet because it was late now for most folks in Liverpool.

"Where are you taking me?" I asked, yawning as we walked on.

"My place." He shrugged casually, shoving his hands into his pockets.

I looked up at John and noticed he was wearing the same funny hat as before, almost like his trademark. He stopped for a moment at a crosswalk to let a car pass and I seized the moment to take the hat off his head.

"Give it." He demanded.

"Nope." I smiled goofily at him, placing it lopsided on my own head.

He looked at me and smirked.

"Okay then. As long as you protect it." He said, holding onto my arm as we walked the rest of the way to his house.


"Wow." I stood in astonishment. It was very adorable and not what I expected. Inside was really nice, quiet and a little cold so I hugged myself as I walked inside.

"Welcome to Mendips." He stated, placing down the keys.

"Cute." I smiled, talking loudly. John quickly covered my mouth. I licked his hand.

"Gross!" He said quietly, wiping his hand on his pants.

I just giggled and started walking around.


"John, is that you?" A womanly voice spoke.

"Yes, Mimi! It's just me you can go back to sleep."He called out sweetly. "In here." He demanded to me, pointing to a small room.

"Well what do I do?" I asked, standing confused in the space.

"Sleep? I don't whatever you do normally." He looked irritated.

"Well where are you going to sleep?" I pouted.

"The couch." He grunted back, walking off.

"Wait!" I called out softly, going after him. He paused and turned around, looking angrier than before.

"What?" He spat.

"I can't sleep alone in an unfamiliar place."

"Fine." He grunted again and rolled his eyes, walking back into the small room with me, which was only lit by the bright full moon outside.

He laid down on the bed first, moving over to the side and allowing room for me. I sat down in the space and placed his arms around me, so that he was holding me. He was tense at first but then he loosened up as I placed my head on his chest.

"Thank you Johnny." I giggled, poking his nose with my finger.

He just smiled lightly back at me before closing his eyes and softly snoring.

It was quite comforting.


this is from a part I wrote for my early days book:)

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