✰ rain : ringo

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You were relaxing on your couch after a long day working at the record shop down the street. It was a small job, sorting the records into their bins, but it was satisfying to do. Plus helping support Ringo was always something you loved to do.

The Telly was on and you were watching the news for the evening, whilst cooking yourself a small plate of Mac n cheese to comfort your sadness while the rain poured on outside.

"The Beatles are planning to go on a short tour of America to appear on the Ed Sullivan show for the next following Sunday's. In New York, and then following in Miami. They leave on the 7th of February...so to The Beatles, on behalf of everyone in Liverpool, we wish you much luck in the states." The news ended on that note and you were once more reminded you were going to be alone without Ringo. But you were also extremely proud, of course.

Knock, Knock.

You shot a look a the door, who could be coming to your flat this late at night? You decided to go and see anyway. You opened the door and there stood Ringo, in the rain, drenched. His face lit up at the sight of you.

"Oh, Ringo! What are you doing out there in the rain?" You cried.

"Y/N.." He panted. "I couldn't leave ye like this."

"Like what? Ringo are you alright?" You panicked. He nodded. 

"Yes, dear. I'm alright. But I need to tell ye something." You stood, waiting as he caught his breath. The rain continued to pour around him and although you had an awning, it was quite useless for downpours such as this. "Y/N...I love ye more than words can describe. From the moment I met you at the club, ye've made me the happiest man in the entire world. Yer always so supportive of everything I do with the band. And I know it must not be easy. Ye work at a local record shop to help keep a roof over our heads." He looked down, almost ashamed with himself, but a moment later he looked back into your eyes and continued his speech. "Leaving to go to America without ye...just wouldn't be fair. After everything I've put ye through. So, I've checked it out with Brian, and If ye'd like, there's a ticket for ye to join us." He smiled out at you and you couldn't believe it. Going to America?! What a dream.

"Oh, Yes ringo!" You yelled out.

"But I don't want ye to come as me girlfriend.." He added.

"Oh." You looked down. "I-I understand that the fans wouldn't like to-"

"Shh." He hushed you, getting down on one knee, and pulling out a small, red box from his jacket pocket. Your jaw dropped at the sight of a beautiful gold band. "I want to bring you as me fiancé." He cleared his throat. "(Your Full Name), would ye continue to make me the happiest man in the world...and marry me?"

"Of course!" You ran into the rain, wrapping your arms around his neck and jumping into him. He caught you and spun you around in the air. You looked down at him as he held you above him. "I love you so much Ritchie!" He beamed at you and set you down lightly, the both of you soaking wet. You brought his face close to you, your foreheads pressed together. He leaned in and kissed you firmly.

"I love ye so much." His lips curved into a goofy and proud grin. "Yer mine!!" He called out into the black night. The two of you giggle and you forced him inside, wrapping yourselves in a warm blanket and sitting by your couch.

"What am I going to wear to all of these events?!" You suddenly panicked, bringing your palm to your forehead. "My little dresses from my college parties won't pass for something as divine as that!"

He laughed at you and brushed your hair behind your ear. "We can spend all day shopping."

"Oh, thank you!" Although money was never important to you, looking nice for Ritchie's friends was always on the top of your list. You gave him a bunch of kisses before laying your head on his chest.

The two of you fell asleep on the couch, not bothering to move, just resting with each other's presence and talking about what lovely adventure America would bring.

Don't forget your camera;)


I really liked this one. I think it's sweet and very bold coming from Ringo, which shows how much he loves you🥺💞

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