✰ at the hop : john

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It was a rather warm evening and you found yourself in your university's basement, which was decorated more for a funeral than your end-of-year dance. It was a bit childish, a dance, for college students nearing their mid-twenties. Nevertheless you knew a group of people going, including your boyfriend, Teddy Evans, an architect major.

The basement was cold but had round, white tables that sat behind a large pad which you assumed was the dance floor. You sat at one of the tables with your group of friends and boyfriend, who was ignoring you.

"Teddy.." You called softly to the man sitting next to you in his white jacket. You were wearing a dusty pink gown, the one you wore for your high school prom.

"What?" He spat at you, irritated you interrupted his conversation with Maggie.

"If you want to be with Maggie than you should have just asked her!" You released, crossing your arms and turning your nose up.

"N-N-No! Christ Y/N! I was just talkin to a girl...you're gonna get all upset?" Maggie got up from the table, looking uncomfortable. "..Look what you did!" He added, gesturing to Maggie. You wanted to cry.

"Why won't you talk to me instead?" You sniffled.

"Oh, Baby. Don't cry. I'll go get us some drinks." He quickly got up and left. However he didn't come back.

"Yer boyfriend sounds like a swine." A boy spoke, standing next to you. He was scruffy looking, wearing a leather jacket and trousers to a formal event. You quickly recognized him from one of your painting classes as John Lennon, the class clown who told everyone he was related to Buddy Holly because of his glasses.

"He can be nice." You sighed, wiping away a lonely tear.

"Care to dance?" He extended a hand down to you. You looked up at him and he smiled at you. "Ye should have fun..." He continued until you grabbed his hand and followed him to the dance floor. He wrapped his arms around your waist and you placed one palm against his chest and then wrapped your right arm around his neck.

"Are you really related to Buddy Holly?" You asked, your head lightly resting on his chest.

"Of course." You could feel him laugh a bit. He smelt of cigarettes and whiskey. The slower song ended and 'Johnny B. Goode' started playing. John broke from you but grabbed onto your hands and began to do a silly little dance in front of you, making you twist alongside him. You giggled as he spun you around and jumped up and down, making you laugh madly.

"What the fuck, Y/N?" Teddy spat, walking up to you. The song ended and John and you looked on to him and your euphoric smiles faded.

"I'm just talking to a boy.." You said plainly, referring to his remark with Maggie earlier.

"With Lennon?" Teddy looked at John and then laughed with his friends. You could feel John tense up next to you.

"Yes! Now do you have a problem?" You placed a hand on your hip.

"Get over here." He demanded, grabbing your arm and forcefully yanking you towards him.

"Get off!" You attempted to wiggle away from him.

"She said to let her go!" John hissed. Teddy didn't let go of you.

"Oh, look..Y/N has a little bodyguard."

"That's it ye fucking prick.." John punched Teddy in the face. He let go of you and punched John back, the two of them starting a barney on the floor. You attempted to yell at them to get them to stop but that didn't work. A friend of John's, Stuart, had come over and pulled John off of him, setting him straight. John looked over at you and bit his bleeding lip, still looking flustered and tense.


You sat down outside the front of the building in the black night, assisting John in applying the ice pack.

"I want to thank you for standing up for me tonight."

"It's me fault for attempting to steal away a posh girl for a night." He mumbled. You could distantly hear the loud music from the basement still playing.

"Well, I think I owe you a dance." You stood up and pulled John up with you, wrapping your arms around his neck. You smiled and faded into the comfort of his body against yours. "Tell me your worst fear." You whisper as he starts to sway with you to We Belong Together.

"Well that's rather straightforward." He stated. You blushed a bit, wondering if you ruined things. "I like straightforward." He added, looking down at you and smirking. "I would say that me worst fear is losing everyone I love. I lost me mum three years ago."

"I'm sorry to hear about that." You said softly, holding him tighter to you.

"It's alright. What's yer's?"

"My fear is loving someone. I mean with Teddy.." Your eyes fluttered down to the ground and you felt yourself about to cry. John tilted your chin up and looked into your eyes.

"Maybe yer just not falling in love with the right people."

You leaned in and placed your lips sweetly against his. He exhaled through his nose and then you two parted, looking back into each other's eyes. "And where would I find the right person?" You asked, your eyes falling further into his.

"Yer looking at him." He pulled your chin up to him and kissed you again, more passionately than the first time, slipping his tongue in delicately as you continued. You two parted again and you smiled at him softly, your eyes still fixed on him.

The two of you ended up leaving and John walked you all the way back to your place. While walking, the two of you talked about the meanings of life and held hands, laughing at the many jokes that John would make. He told you of his band and how his passion was music.


I want to kiss young John Lennon

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