fan calls : john

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I got a call while we were in the dressing room prepping the boys to go on at Convention Hall.

"Hello, this is Abbey Roads."

"You're nothing but a slut!" A young girls voice pierced.

"And-and a gold digger for the boy's fame!" Another one chimed.

"Your fat!"

"Ugly too!"

"Too big a nose.." They continued.

"We're gonna kill you! Are you dating John? You don't deserve him!"

I hung up the phone after that, and shaking, I fell into the chair beside the phone. I was shocked. The fans I had met before were so loving and could this be happening?

"Honey?" John looked worried as he came over to me, wrapping his arm around me and pulling me into his chest, his tie half done. "What's wrong? Who called?"

"N-N-No one." I was quick to reply. I knew that John would get on the stage and speak about it if I told him.

"Ye don't have to tell me right now." He said calmly, stroking my hair.

"Lennon. Let's go. You're not ready and you're on in two minutes." Epstein demanded. However after John left the room to go on, Brian walked back over to me.

"Abbey? I need you to tell me what that call was." He was demanding in his tone, but I know it was out of worry more than anger.

"It That's all." I mustered a smile, still a bit shaken.

"And what did they say?" Brian persisted.

"T-t-hey called me mean things and-and said they would kill me, and-and asked if I was with John!" I released, turning and crying into Brian. He hushed me and rubbed my back, although I knew he felt a bit awkward.

"Well, you were right not to tell John. But Abbey, it's safer for you to have a security guard with you.." I turned up and shook my head. "Mal is a really nice guy. I promise it will only be for a little while. It's part of the job now that people suspect you and John are together.

Mal Evans was indeed a giant, but a gentle one at that.


After the show John and the boys came running back in, dripping in sweat.

"How'd it go?" I asked.

"Good!" He exhaled, taking a drink of water. "Can ye tell me what that call was about?" He panted. I looked over at Brian. He nodded his head.

"Some fans called.."

"What did they say?"

"They suspect we are together and they don't like it."

"Well why do they care?"

"Because they love you." I sighed, looking down at the floor.

"If they 'loved' me than they would respect what I do with my personal life." He sassed, walking away.


Later as we got into the car to drive out to Cape May, Brian pulled John and I aside.

"You two need to make your relationship public, okay?"

"W-What?" I stuttered, John was beaming.

"Great!" John exclaimed. "I've been ready."

"But it is important that we make sure everyone stays safe. Okay?"

"Yes, sir!" John saluted sarcastically. Brian rolled his eyes.


Brian wanted us to make our relationship public by walking into the hotel together and holding hands, then making an announcement to the BBC camera posted inside the lobby.

Sure enough as we arrived, thousands of cameras and bulbs surrounded, normally I would get out first and join the crowd, taking some photos of the boys. But now that I was seen at the premiere with John, the other guys girlfriends and I have been all over the news.

John smiled down at me, took a hold of my hand and squeezed it tightly for comfort.

"I love you." He said, giving me a kiss on the cheek before the door of the car opened.

"I love you too."

People yelled out questions from all sides as we held each other's hand and smiled goofily to one another, making the experience a bit better. John and I eventually made it inside where the BBC camera stood, the light bright in my face.

"John? John? Can you confirm the dating rumors? Are the two of you together?" A man eagerly asked.

"Well, I am doing well thank you." John laughed. "This is Abbey Roads, the bands' photographer, but most importantly, me girlfriend."

John leaned down to give me a quick peck on the lips and cameras now swarmed, asking us to kiss again and on and so on.

But those fan calls still were in the back of my mind...


excerpt from my other book; A Beatles Romance

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