✰ dreaming : george

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"Sir, this has to be some kind of joke! Y-You're going to tell me that you granted my wish of-of time traveling?!" You panted, looking into the eyes of a man who had suddenly turned your modern world back into the 60s.

"Why, yes." He responded wisely, his wrinkled hands gripping the cane which he leaned on. He suddenly disappeared.

"Oh, great! Really cool!" You yelled out into the air, catching the attention of some street people passing by you.

"Can I help you?" You turned around to face a rather tall and handsome lad, who looked about twenty or so, with deep brown eyes and gorgeous plump lips.

"Oh!.." you thought for a moment. Was any of this even real? "Sure, I'm-Uh looking for a newspaper.." you added slowly. The boy smirked.

"Well.."He cleared his throat and pointed to a stand on your left, which to your surprise, had the daily news. "But I wouldn't listen to them..you'll want the BBC." He winked.

You choked. "E-Excuse me?"

"British Broadcasting Cooperation..."

"Yes-Yes I know that. But why would they be in America?"

"Oh, love. Did ye hit yer head? This is London."

You scoffed at him in disbelief. Then again, your world has just turned from the year 2020 to the year...you looked at the date on the newspaper. 1963...the Beatles. Oh my god. You looked back up at the boy standing in front of you.

"You're George Harrison!" He quickly hushed you.

"Oh, please don't say it too loud, others may hear." He whispered, pointing around you at the different folks who stopped to look.

"Right..my bad." He smiled at you and then looked very serious.

"Uh-follow me. Me break ended about five minutes ago..and I'm due back in the studio."


"Georgie...who's the bird?" John smirked, waltzing over to the two of us as we walked into the studio.

"Harrison!" Martin yelled, storming over. "What are you doing bringing a girl in here? This is like work, y'know? Just as serious." He scowled at George and then me.

"John brings his woman in here all the time.."

"He's married!" Martin responds, flinging an arm out and pointing to John, who was devouring a sandwich. He looked up in confusion.

"She's staying." George stood up for you, grabbing onto your hand tightly. You felt yourself blush.

"She's leaving." Martin bickered. "Now."

"Then I am too!" With that, George dragged me back out. "Let's go get some food, I'm starving after all that arguing...he! That rhymed."


"So how long have you been in London?" He asked you, taking a handful of chips and shoving them into his mouth.

"Uh...15 minutes."

"Uh are ye sure ye didn't hit yer head or something? Maybe we should go see a doctor." He took a sip from his coke and wiped a napkin across his salty mouth.

"No!" You yelled. "I-I mean, I'm good. Really." You reassured. He didn't take anymore thought to it. The two of you ended up finishing your meal and then walking around a nearby park.

"Whenever I get frustrated while working.." George spoke, grabbing onto your hand as you walked under the shady trees. "I come out here. Nature always relaxes me."

"I get that same way." You smiled up at him.

"Ye have the most beautiful eyes I've ever seen.." He said softly. You blushed and looked back down at the sidewalk below you. "Do you have a boyfriend?" He quickly blurted. Your eyes shot back up at him and he stopped walking.

"Uh, no. I don't." You replied honestly.

"Well then I suppose it's alright if I..." he looked down at your lips and then back up at your eyes before placing his index finger under your chin and pulling you up to his level, your lips close. "Kiss you.." with that he closed the space between your lips and kissed you, for a long couple of moments. He then pulled away slowly.

"I liked that very much." You giggled, leaning into him and kissing him again, this time deeply and with your lips slightly parted.

His lips curved into a smile and he looked down at you adoringly, snaking his arms around your waist and trapping you close to him.

"Would ye fancy going on a date later? I'm afraid I might lose me job if I don't get back.."

"Uh-yeah." You nodded your head but inside you remembered that you weren't really living this..were you? George gave you a quick kiss goodbye on the cheek and walked away, back to the studio. You sat down on a nearby bench, slumping and wondering what to do. Then there was the sudden presence of someone else next to you.

"Did you find love?" The old man asked, smiling weakly with his age.

"Well I can't tell-" He cut you off.

"Your heart knows.."

"But how do I get out of here? When do I go back?"

"I can send you back now.." The old man stood up, his small height allowing him to now make eye contact with you on the bench.

"No! I-I want to stay. Forever if that's possible."

"There is no such thing as forever, my dear." With that he tapped the end of his cane and you were back in your bed.

"Only dreaming.." You sighed, looking at your clock.


a bit strange for an imagine but I had the idea in my head this morning and thought to write it out. I've got lots of stale ideas right now.

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