i love you

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the boys confess to you that they have fallen deeply in love with you:

John Lennon:
"Wow! I just! Christ! I love you, Y/N! There's nothing more to say, I just wake up thinking about ye, go to sleep thinking about ye, sing to ye and about ye, yer all I want..." He pants, pacing around the quiet living room. "I-I've fallen in love with you." He rushes over to you and quickly snakes his arm around you pulling you into him deeply and planting a passionate kiss on your lips.

Ringo Starr:
"I-I have something to tell ye, Y/N..." His breath was shaky. "When I see ye, I cant help but smile. Ye have the most beautiful eyes I've ever seen, ye make me heart beat faster when ye look at me..and-and the thought of losing ye, is the scariest thing to me. I-I think I'm in love with you." He had you wrapped in his arms and he looked down at you and leaned in, planting a firm and meaningful kiss on your lips.

George Harrison:
"I'm in love with ye." He blurts, running over to you and picking you up off the ground. "There's no doubt in me mind. I know that yer the only one I'll ever want to come home to. I'll write songs about our love, welcome home our future kids, and most importantly...treasure the beautiful woman I hold in me arms right now." He leaned in and kissed you softly and with a longing that your two hearts have finally connected.

Paul McCartney:
"I have something to confess..." He sighed, biting his nails nervously as he sat down on the chair in front of you, placing his palm on your knee. "I love you, Y/N..." He looked into your eyes for a reaction of sorts before continuing. "I think of ye before meself, yer this constant thought running rapid through me mind, every time ye walk through a door I just want to..." He panted looking off to his right before gaining focus on your lips. "Kiss you." With that he brought you close to him, forcefully placing a wonderful and plump kiss on your lips.


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