a drunk beatle

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how would your beatle act if he came home drunk?

John Lennon:
When John gets drunk, he becomes vulnerable. Sometimes his emotions go off the wall and he can get angry quickly. He will tell you over and over and over how much he loves you, "I love you I love you I love you. John Winston loves Y/N.." and then lay his head in your lap and start to cry, talking openly about his problems and insecurities. You comfort him and then by the end of the night he is over at the piano hammering out lyrics and melodies for the new LP.

Ringo Starr:
On the rare occasion that Ringo gets drunk, he acts all goofy. "I really think that I connect with dolphins..y'know?" And he will make you laugh by doing all sorts of childish things and tickle you on the couch until you beg for mercy. By the end of his drunken state he will climb into bed and cuddle with you, mumbling about how badly he wants a future and little baby Ritchies with you, all the while you comb out his messy hair with your fingers and give him many kisses.

George Harrison:
When Georgie comes home drunk, he stumbles into the kitchen and starts pulling out the ingredients for biscuits. He will sing you random and silly songs he created and tell you all sorts of stories that he creates. He will wrap his arms tightly around you and never let you go until you two end up in bed, snuggling with one another. He will bring the biscuits to bed with you two and call them his little friends, naming each of them. "Y/N...we've gotta tuck em in first.."

Paul McCartney:
If Paul ever gets drunk you know someone has either hurt him pretty badly or he's in mental distress, so he will usually be pretty silent through the night. He will sit by the piano and just play random keys until he's found something he likes and then he will call you over and ask if you like it. You two will sit outside on your front porch and discuss the meanings of life, and sometimes he will say things that make no sense. But he always points to a star called "Mary-Julia" that John dedicated to their mothers.


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