✰ train station : paul

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"Cheers!" You all clinked your glasses together in the middle of the rounded table in the corner of the dimly lit pub.

It was old and musky, and the flamboyant green sconces were fixed crookedly to the peeling wallpaper, which was a delicate cream floral design. You smiled at your lovely group of friends, including your crush, Paul, and then took back your fifth black velvet of the evening.

It's been too long of you looking at Paul and his perfection, crushing and noticing how gorgeous his eyes are...and the way his lips part when he's listening to someone talk...and when he rests his head in his palm...

He caught you staring at him and he winked, a smirk tugging on the side of his mouth. You quickly snapped back to focus and mustered a smile at him, taking back your...you've lost count..black velvet of the night.

"Are ye alright?" Paul asked worriedly, walking up to you as you waited for another drink by the bar. You were in a bit of a daze, thinking about a multitude of things.

"Y-Yes." You mumbled, your eyes still fixed on the door to the pub, analyzing its chipped black paint.

"Y/N...ye've gone out with us before but even after a lot of drinks yer usually not this upset.." He chuckled lightly at his comment and looked away from you.

"I'm just a bit confused...that's all." You sighed and took only a sip from your new drink.

"Is it school? Y'know...I'm thinking about just dropping out...I've got the band though of course.."

"I-It's not quite that..but-" you analyzed what he had just said. "Wait?! You're leaving school!" You shouted. He quickly hushed you.

"Please don't tell anyone. I've still got to let me father know.."

You apologized to him and went quiet.

"But yes. I think it's because Brian has lots of faith in us..."

Now that Paul was leaving school, you knew you didn't have much more time to let him know how you felt.

"A-are you going to keep in touch with us?" You mumbled.

"Yes! Oh, of course! I couldn't leave ye..what would Ye do without me.." he smirked and placed a warm hand on your forearm. "Say...would ye like to dance?" He pulled you to the corner where the jukebox stood playing 'That'll Be The Day' by Buddy Holly. He took your delicate hands in his and swayed with you, twirling you around from time to time and dipping you as the song ended. Some people around you cheered and Paul slipped his hand around your waist and walked back to your group of friends.

"I'm gonna take her home." He said softly to Tony, a good friend of yours. Tony smirked and Paul swatted his arm before leading you out of the pub.


"I wanna make sure ye get home safe." He said, walking over to you with your train ticket he just purchased from the booth.

"Thank you." You smiled at him sweetly. He looked down at the gravel below and kicked a pebble or two.

It was a rather chilly evening in Liverpool, and your coat wasn't doing much to keep you warm. There weren't many people around because you were catching the last train of the night at 10 pm. The stars were clearly seen from the small hole in the wooden awning.

"Train should be here shortly." He nodded and started to walk off.

"Paul!" You shouted out after him. He turned to face you and his eyes lit up. You ran over to him and without thinking you wrapped your arms tightly around his neck, pulling him into you and planting a wet kiss tasting of whiskey and coke on his plump lips. Your foot popped as Paul wrapped his arms around your waist and leaned back into you, breathing as he kissed you back. It was quick, yet sweet and passionate. The two of you parted, but Paul kept his arms around you. Your heart was beating quickly and the heat was rising through your blood. All you wanted to do was go home and be with Paul.

He opened his mouth to speak, but the breeze and screeching wheels of the train arriving besides you broke the moment.

"I-I've better get going." You say hesitantly, your hands pressed against his chest. Paul reluctantly let go of you and watched as you joined the line to board. You bit your lip and waved to him, mustering a small smile.

"Y/N!" He called out as you were about to board. "What are ye doing tomorrow? And the next day? And the next?" He smiled at you goofily.

"Seeing you!" You shouted in response, giggling and boarding the train.

You sat down in your seat and looked out the window and pressed your open palm against the glass to Paul, who saw it and mimicked your motion. He blew you a kiss and you responded, although you were unsure if he could see you through the glass. The train engine started and you turned your head away from the window, relaxing into the chair and sighing. 

"I kissed Paul McCartney."


I totally copied how Cyn + John with their first night together.
I love that there's people out there who love the Beatles like I do🥺💞 because no one else around me understands. 🙄😌

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