speakeasy : paul

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I had finished a whole different imagine and apparently it didn't save! so that's GReAt *cries inside*

You let out a puff of smoke, parting your lips from the paper of the cigarette. You looked outward and into the crowd of people rushing into the speakeasy under the diner.

"Hey! No smoking while you're working!" Your old boss yells out at you. You roll your eyes and put out the cigarette in the ashtray.

You watched as four gentlemen entered the room and looked around, spotting an empty table and sitting down. Curiosity got the best of you and you re-tied your black apron to your waist, scrunched your hair into a ponytail and walked over to the table.

"Have you four been helped yet?" You asked sweetly, holding out a pad of paper and a pen. You looked into their faces and realized it was The Beatles.

"No, we haven't." John replied dryly, keeping his eyes focused on the girl dancing on the stage. Paul turned to face you and gave you a toothy grin.

"A couple of cokes and whiskies would be great." He cheered. You scribbled down the order and rushed off.

Coming back, you handed one to each of them, locking eyes with Paul. His eyes were seemingly reflective from the warm light of the stage, calling you further into him. Your gaze wandered down to his mysterious, pink lips.

You realized that you had been staring at him way too long.

"Don't drool." Paul teased.

"I-I'm sorry, sir." You apologized, embarrassed and walking back behind the bar.

Paul came up to the bar after the first half of the show ended and he placed four empty glasses in front of you.

"Refills?" He smirked, pushing the glasses towards you. You smiled happily and grabbed them, refilling them quickly.

Paul stared at you as you poured the glasses with whiskey, his lips slightly parted, plump and pink, watching you.

"Don't drool." You smirked, referencing to his comment before. He let out an airy laugh and fluttered his gaze down to the floor shyly. "Anything else I can get you?"

He looked back up at you, his eyes watching your lips. "Yer number." The corners of his lips curved into a cheeky grin as he awaited your response. You blushed but knew that you couldn't give him your number while you were working.

"I'm sorry but I can't do that."

"Well, I tried...." He sighed and pouted a bit, starting to turn around. You realized he forgot the drinks and you ran around the side of the bar, calling out after him. "You forgot something!"

He turned around and paused, looking you up and down. He then walked over to you, snaked an arm around your waist, pulled you into him and leaned down to give you a lustful and firm kiss.

"Yer right...I forgot..that." He smirked as you two parted, your heart beating rapidly.

"I get off at 9." You blurted, your palms pressed lightly against his chest.

"I'll see ye outside." He winked at you and then walked back to his table, taking the drinks with him.

You sighed as you felt yourself replay that perfect kiss over and over again in your head.


You rushed to close up the speakeasy, grabbing your keys and bag on the way out. As you opened the crooked old door, you saw Paul leaning against the side of the diner, lighting a fresh cigarette. You smiled and held tightly onto the strap of your bag, plucking up the courage to walk over to him.

When he noticed you, he froze, looking you up and down without your uniform on.

"Yer hair is down.." He commented, taking a drag from the cigarette.

"Oh, yes..it is." You had forgotten you took your hair out from the ponytail, and you twirled it around in your fingers, a bit embarrassed he had noticed. He walked over to you and felt your smooth hair, running his fingers through it kindly.

"I like it." He smirked, sending a rush of crimson to your cheeks. He linked your arm around his and began to walk off.

"Oh, I have my car if-" You began to say. However he pressed a finger to his lips.

"It's better to walk on a night like this." He inhaled the crisp air of the night before grabbing a guitar that sat on the bench nearest to him. He took your hand and started walking off.

He led you around to an empty park and over to a dark spot under a tree, the only light coming from nearby lampposts. The two of you sat down in the grass.

"Are you going to sing for me?" You asked, blushing. He positioned his guitar and then looked up at you, smirking.

"Would ye like me to?"

You nodded your head. He laughed and then looked down at his fingers, fixing them to the proper frets. He cleared his throat before beginning.

All my troubles seemed so far away..
Now it looks as though they're here to stay..."

As soon as he finished he set his guitar down on the grass and placed his index under your chin, pulling you into him and giving you another firm kiss on your lips. You kissed him back and the two of you continued, his hand now cupping the side of your cheek. He cheekily slipped his tongue into your mouth, moving his other hand up your leg. You pulled away.

"Oh..I don't know.." You sighed, fixing the hem of your skirt.

"Don't think.." He panted, sloppily starting to kiss your neck. "I want ye..."

With the incredible privacy the park was offering, you decided to give in.


sorry for the late and crappy update. sometimes my love for the beatles is like so much that it's overwhelming? am I the only one?

anyway, thank you all for being patient.

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