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Heads up, I will edit this soon as I know there will be a bunch of spelling errors but Ill do that when im super bored :)

3rd person POV

Jess runs around the woods trying to find an easy tree to climb. She hears light footsteps and turns around. Theres a deer, its beautiful until an arrow pierces through it. "But why?" She whispers to herself. She hears someone from behind her and she starts breathing uneven. A man appears as the others turn around. "Be quiet little one you attract more walkers." The man hisses. He had a crossbow and was trying to keep Jess calm. He grabs the deer a slongs it over his shoulder. The man then grabs Jess' hand and leads her away. They end up standing outside a prison. "Is this your camp?" Jess asks and the man nods. They reach the gate and it opens. Another man steps out with a little boy, causing Jess to think its only men until a short blonde girl runs over to her. "Hello sweetie. Whats your name?" She asks Jess. "Jess." Jess mumbles. "Im Beth. Thats Daryl and Thats Rick and his son Carl." Beth says pointing to each of the males. "How old are you?" Beth asks. "I cant remember. I was 12 when this all started." Jess says. "Like me. So your 13." Carl pipes up smiling. Beth smiles back at him. Beth turns back to Jess and takes her hand. "Lets introduce you to everyone." Beth says still smiling. She walks Jess further into the prison and Jess sees big words saying CELL BLOCK C. Jess sets her bag down and Beth takes it into a cell.

Jess POV

Beth walks me in and I let go of her hand. "This is Maggie, Carol and Lori." Beth says pointing to women with brown, grey and black hair. I nod. She drags me more into the prison. "This is Hershal." Beth says pointing to an old man. "Hi daddy!" She says and he looks over and smiles at her. "Hello little one." He says his eyes moving to mine. "Im not little." I growl. "You know. You saying that makes me think of Daryl." Hershal says smirking. "Whats your last name sweetheart?" He asks. "Dixon. I was adopted when my real parents split." I state and his eyes grow wide. Same as Beths. I walk out of the room leaving them stunned. I walk past the women who stare at me. I open the door into the prison yard and walk up to the men. "Hey sweetheart, whatcha doing out here little one." Rick asks in a baby voice. "Im not little." I growl once again. Hershal walks out on his crutches. "Daryl." I ask and his head turns to me. "Daryl!" Hershal yells. "Whats up old man." Daryl yells back. "Ask her, her surname. Actually both of you say it at the same time." Hershal says out of breath. Rick looks from me to Daryl. I put my hand on my hip. I may be 12 but I was up to his man boobs atleast, so was Carl. "3...2...1..." Rick says counting down. "Dixon." We both state. My hand gets off my hip and I stumble backwards. Daryls eyes grow wide. I couldnt remember much about my real parents apart from they drank alot. "You dick head!" I yell pushing him back with all my might. "Why did you have to be an alcoholic. Why did you have to leave me!" I yell punching his chest. " was for your own good." He says stuttering. I glare at him. "I own good. MY OWN GOOD!" I yell at him ripping off my shirt so im just in a sports bra. Scars cover my stomach and shoulders and arms. I then pull down my trousers exposing my legs which are also covers in scars and bruises. I put my shirt back on and pull up my trousers. "My own good my ass." I spit as I walk off. I hear Daryl mumble something and then Rick.  "Definitely your daughter." I hear him say before I enter the prison. I walk past the ladies again and sit on the steps. I burst into tears and just sit there. The memories flooding back.

TW- Sexual Abuse, Abuse(skip past fancy writing) its short


He whipped me again. And again. And again. Got knives and cut through my skin and left me to bleed. "Your such a good bitch arent you?" He asks as he pounds himself into me. "Please stop." I beg and he pounds harder causing me to cry more. He soon left me. But came back and repeated the process. Every. Single. Day.


I see one of the women come up to me. Maggie. "Hey you okay?" She asks. I shake my head. "Wanna talk about it?" She asks politely. I shake my head again. She just sits there and rubs my back. She pulls my long light brown hair out of my face. "You happy you found him atleast?" She asks and I nod smiling a little. She opens up her arms and I wriggle into them and lay there. A man walks up. One I havent been introduced to. "Who?" I ask as he kisses Maggie. "Who?" He repeats pointing to me. Maggie giggles a bit. "Glenn. Jess. Jess. Glenn. This is my husband. This is Daryls long lost daughter." Maggie says switching her eyes from me to him. "You do look like him. Act like him too I bet." Glenn says smiling and I smile with him. Soon its dinner and everyone sits around the table eating what Daryl had caught. Squirrels, rabbits, deer. I sat inbetween him and Maggie. "So Jess, what happened to you if you dont mind me asking." Carol asks. "You dont need my sob story." I state not looking up from my food. Me saying that immediately made them more intrested. "Let me finish eating first." I say with a mouthful of food. They nod and continue to eat themselves. Once Im done I put my plate away and try to walk off. "Come on Jess. Your done now." Rick says. I groan and sit back down with my head on the table. I lift my head up take some deep breaths and start talking.

I wanted to make another story so I did. Jess is my best friends name so :)
This will only be updated. I dont know to be honest. Whenever I can between this and the other story :)

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