fluff || headcanon - hound dog

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anonymous asked: Can i request some fluff hcs for Hound Dog? 💖

90% of your relationship involves translating what he's trying to communicate through his frustrated grunts, growls and howls.

you're definitely the only person he doesn't growl and howl at when he's angry, and he holds his anger in whenever you're around. he doesn't want you to be frightened by him - he knows his rage can freak some people out.

he's the best cuddle buddy seeing as he's so tall and broad. he's secretly a massive softy, so expect to be cuddled at every given opportunity.

he always tries to be quiet whenever walking around your house and you're asleep - catch him taking five minutes just to walk down a flight of stairs because he doesn't want the squeaky floorboards to wake you up. like i said, he's a massive softy and the last thing he wants to do is wake you up when you need to sleep!

he definitely always gets excited whenever he smells your perfume/cologne! his heightened sense of smell means he knows you're there before he even sees you - he's definitely abandoned his patrols before to go and find you.

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