graduation || headcanon - toshinori yagi

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anonymous asked: Hi! Could you write about All Might where his daughter is graduating from UA?

it's no secret that all might, mr toshinori yagi, is a massive crybaby. at any significant milestone in his daughter's life, he's crying. the first steps she takes, the first words she says, her first day of school, her first exam and even the moment she was accepted into u.a. and her graduation from the hero school is no different either.

he's trying not to cry, he doesn't want to embarrass you, especially now that everyone knows all might's your dad. whenever he feels tears pricking his eyes he turns his face upwards and wills himself not to do it, repeating "don't cry, don't cry, don't cry" over and over again in his head.

but, when you walk up on the stage to receive your official hero licence, tears start streaming down his face before he can even comprehend it. he's emotional, the little baby girl he held in his hands just seconds after she was born was now an adult woman, who was now continuing his legacy, just with a quirk of her own.

when he finally gets to see you once you've received your licence, he embraces you straight away, holds you tight to him for a moment. he just needs to hold you, it's his way of telling you how proud of you he is for doing this, because you both know if he tried to speak he'd become even more choked up and emotional.

and when he finally lets you pull away, he gives you a watery smile, wipes your own tears away and places a hand on your head. once he controls his tears he'll tell you how proud of you he is and how he knows you're going to become of the best heroes out there, become a symbol of peace. and boy is he right.

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