a, c, j and k || fluff alphabet - eijirou kirishima

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anonymous asked: Hii can I request a,c,j, and k from the fluff alphabet for kirishima? :)

a - attractive (what do they find attractive about the other?)

your loyalty to him. you've stayed by his side through thick and thin and he's immensely grateful that you've done so. he knows he can rely on you, and that you'll be there to support him and lift him up in his weakest movements. things can get intense for him sometimes, so he definitely finds it attractive in a partner. as for physical, your eyes are definitely his favourite part of you. he gets lost in the colour of them, and could study every fleck of colour for hours. they're perfect, and he loves seeing every emotion expressed in them, admires the way your eyes light up when you're talk about something you're passionate about.

c - cuddle (how do they cuddle?)

he goes all in with cuddling. he wraps his arms around you tightly, and his legs too if you're laying or sitting down, and snuggles his head into the space between your neck and shoulder. he'll quite happily cuddle with you for hours and hours, showering you with kisses and love.

j - jealousy (do they get jealous?)

he can get jealous, but he knows he can trust you. it isn't so much about you, its about how obvious the other person is acting, and more annoys him than makes him jealous. he knows you love him and trusts you to make a call of judgement, but sometimes he'll step in and make sure the other person knows you're his.

k - kiss (how do they kiss? who initiated the first kiss?)

his kisses you passionately and firmly, but is cautious of his teeth. he pours all his love into his kisses, just to prove to you that he loves you unequivocally. sometimes he presses short, sweet kisses to your lips before he leaves for work in the morning, stroking your hair tenderly as he leans over your half asleep form in bed. you were likely the one to initiate the first kiss, he's too worried about your reaction to do it himself, and he doesn't want you to be uncomfortable if he initiates the first kiss and you don't like it. but after that first kiss, he's nearly always the one to initiate kisses.

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