b, o, q and r || marriage alphabet - katsuki bakugou

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anonymous asked: Hiii, can I request letters B, O, Q, and R from the marriage alphabet for Bakugou

b - baby (would they want kids with you as soon as possible?)

definitely not - he'd want to spend his time with you at first. he isn't the biggest fan of kids either so he wants to make sure it's definitely something you want before the two of you commit to raising kids. plus he wants to enjoy your marriage and shower you with affection as much as possible before his attentions are taken away from you.

o - opportunity (do you two still get the opportunity to be intimate with one another?)

it's easy for katsuki to get swept up in his hero work, but he never forgets about your needs. if he doesn't have time, then he'll certainly make it for you. it's not fair on you that you have to suffer because of his job, so he'll damn well find the time to be intimate with you, don't you worry.

q - quiet (do you two keep quiet about your marriage? or do you always brag about one another?)

he tries to keep it at first. there's bad people out there who want to do bad things to him, and the best way to hurt him is by getting to you. but he'll make damn well sure to do everything to protect you, and if that means keeping you a secret then he'll do just that. he'll brag about you to his closest friends though, and sometimes he just can't stop talking about you. after all, you're the apple of his eye, and he's damn proud of you and he'll make sure everyone knows how amazing you are.

r - romance (how do you two keep your romance alive?)

honestly it never really dies out. it's always fresh and there's always something exciting happening in your lives. what keeps it going is the fact that he has to spend a lot of time dedicating himself to his hero work, so he isn't around you as much as he'd like to be. but in a sense it's a blessing because he never ever gets sicks of you and you're probably the only person he can stand for long periods of times. you keep him grounded and he really enjoys being with you.

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