cold and soft || headcanon - dabi, katsuki bakugou and hitoshi shinsou

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anonymous asked: Hiii! 💖💖💖 Is it okay to ask for some fluffy HCs for Dabi, Katsuki and Hitoshi with a fem!S/O who seems very cold, intimidating and unapproachable, but she's actually a major softie who compliments them a lot, makes them flower crowns, volunteers to help at animal shelters (she has a Healing quirk maybe?), loves hugs and is basically that kind of mum friend that everyone needs, but she never asks for help because she doesn't want to bother her loved ones? Thank you so much, dearest!!! 🤗💖🌸


at first, he isn't entirely bothered by your aloof nature - he's used to it, and if anything that kind of personality is more his thing. he isn't deterred by your unapproachable appearance, and certainly isn't intimidated by you.

he's actually quite surprised about how much of a softy you turn out to be. when you compliment him for the first time, he's confused, but after a couple more compliments he cottons on - he knows your type, and usually he can't stand them. but with you it's different.

he doesn't like the flower crowns, but he'll humour you briefly and wear it if you ask. he thinks it looks ridiculous, and is more appropriate on you, so usually after a minute of wearing it he'll transfer it onto your head, even if you're already wearing a flower crown.

he feels like he doesn't deserve you. you go against every that makes him up. he's destructive, and you repair that destruction. when he finally realises that you disappear to go to an animal shelter, where you heal the new arrivals and coddle the ones that have been there for a long time, he realises you're way too good for him and the evil world he operates in.

even though dabi himself is rather aloof and cold, he wants you to be able to come to him whenever something's wrong. he knows your tendency to give and never take, and he wants you to learn to rely on others. he's seen what can happen if you bottle it all inside, and it isn't pretty.

katsuki bakugou

katsuki susses you out pretty quickly. he knows that the cold, aloof appearance is just a facade - it doesn't meet your eyes at all. he's one of the few who isn't surprised when you warm up to everyone and reveal how much of a softy you really are.

he thinks its weird when you compliment him at first. no one can be that nice without having ulterior motives, but again he can tell from your eyes that you're sincere, and he gradually grows to accept and thank you for your compliments. sometimes he can't help but grin when you compliment his technique or his strength, and it makes his heart beat pound in his chest.

at first he wasn't all that into hugging, but he soon finds himself welcoming your hugs with, literally, open arms. he loves holding you tight and pressing you up against his body as much as humanly possible. they're warm and you smell nice, but he'd never confess to sniffing you, and he'd rather be publicly shamed than admit he loves our hugs so much.

when he finds out you volunteer at animal shelters to heal new arrivals, he's not totally surprised. your healing quirk is immensely powerful, and shouldn't be wasted, but honestly he kind of expected you to volunteer at a hospital. but then he finds out you volunteer at an old people's home too, and he can't help the pride that surges into his chest at the thought of it.

hates the flower crowns. he'd rather be caught with piss running down his leg than a flower crown on his head. eventually he'll agree to wear them, but only in private, where he's 100% certain kaminari or sero won't see him. even though he finds it embarrassing, when you make one especially for him, he can't help but feel a wave of love for you.

hitoshi shinsou

hitoshi doesn't like you at first. he finds you too cold and aloof, and thinks you're really just kind of rude. he feels guilty though when he finds out how much of a softy you are, and it does surprise him that you're actually just a cute little teddy bear.

he loves your hugs. he's so used to people being afraid of him or thinking of him as a villain, so knowing that someone is so comfortable with him that they'll embrace him at literally every opportunity makes him grin like a fool. he's always the one who holds on for a second longer.

he accompanies you to the animal shelters you volunteer at. mainly for the cats. he probably spends the whole day in the cat area, and if you force him to walk around with you, he definitely has a cat in his arms at all time. if he notices you cooing over a dog or a rabbit, he points it out to the cat in his arm and tells the cat he likes - no, loves you.

he's grateful that you're kind of a mum friend. he forgets himself a lot, and often neglects his self-care. even though it's kind of annoying, he enjoys your nagging reminding him to take care of his skin and to make sure he's not drinking too many fizzy drinks. he loves it when you fuss over him, sometimes purposefully making mistakes during training so that he can get you to heal him.

he makes sure you know that he's always there to be an open ear. he knows what it's like to not talk to anyone, and he doesn't want you to feel that way. he's there for you just as much as you're they're from him.

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