speedy speedy || scenario - katsuki bakugou

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Violet_Crawford asked: could you do a Bakugo x reader where the reader's quirk is speed and they have to drink energy drink or they quirk will disappear?and poor reader haven't sleep in 12-13 years (since they got their quirk)and because of the energy drink, they're hiperactive and happy and cute you know

warnings: swearing.

a/n: aged up the characters so that they're graduated from u.a. and living together :)

Katsuki groaned when the offensively bright light hit his eyes, hand slamming down on the empty bed next to him and grasping the nearest pillow firmly. He brought it to his face, pressing it down firmly until all light was blocked out and the sound of you moving around the room muffled. He could just barely make out a sheepish apology and the sound of the light switch being flicked off. When he removed the pillow he was greeted with pitch black and three apologetic kisses on his cheeks and lips.

"Fuck off," he grumbled, despite craning his neck up for a fourth kiss. "What the hell are you doing?"

"Sorry," you whispered. "I was looking for my book. You know, the one I got last week? I can't remember the name. The cover was red though. Or was it white? Or was it both? Maybe it was white with red writing or vice versa. Do you remember the name? I think it was called 'Unexpected -' wait no that's not it. Or was it? It was a romance and I think it had hearts all over it. I'm pretty sure I left it on your bedside table. Or was it on the dining room table?"

Katsuki groaned, grabbing into the darkness until his hand caught your arm, and he tugged you forcefully on top of him, wrapping his arms and legs around you and waiting until you stopped squirming and giggling. "You're really annoying sometimes, you know that? What would it take to get you an 'off' button?"

He sighed as you shuffled around until your arms were wound around and underneath him, your head resting heavily on his chest just above his heart. His heartbeat was enchantingly slow, at least in comparison to your own, and the steady, strong beats drowned out the erratic thudding of your own heart. You pressed your ear even harder against his chest, syncing your breath with his heartbeat. In, and out. In, and out. In, and out.

A comfortable silence swept through the room, Katsuki closing his eyes to doze as he held you close, you listening to Katsuki's heart and wondering what it would be like to seem so relaxed. A short snore escaped his lips, and he grunted when it woke him up, letting his legs drop back to his side. It didn't take long for Katsuki to drift off again, soothed by the stillness of your body and unusually calm breathing. For just a moment, everything seemed at peace.

He cursed loudly when your body abruptly slid off of his, and even with your speed you were unable to stop the alarm from sounding quickly enough. He pushed himself upright in bed, throwing off the covers and grumbling curses as he stormed to the bathroom, grabbing one of the energy drinks stashed nearby the door and tossing it to you out of habit. You caught it in your hands, watching carefully as he slammed the bathroom door, shouting, "Fuck it! Who needs sleep anyway?", at the top of his lungs.

A bubble of laughter escaped your throat, but you quickly silenced yourself as you gulped down the energy drink.

When Katsuki exited the bathroom, you were in his arms in the blink of an eye, chin resting on his chest as you peered up at him with wide eyes. He stared down at you, crinkling his nose as he loosely wrapped his own arms around you, eventually arching a brow quizzically when you didn't speak.

"I love you."

He scoffed.

"Just make sure you have all your nighttime activities ready before I go to sleep. I ain't searching for some dumb romance book."

"I love you."

"For fuck's - I love you too. Now piss off."

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