a little bit insecure || scenario - katsuki bakugou

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Phoenix_official asked: Oof this is a strange one but could I request a fluff where the reader is really insecure about their weight? But instead of it being because of being larger, they're underweight, I think we need to acknowledge that body consciousness happens with all shapes and sizes, as for the character maybe Bakugo? Thanks ☺️☺️

warnings: body consciousness/issues, swearing

a/n: i totally agree!

"Stop doing that."

"Stop doing what?"

"You know what."

"No I don't."

Katsuki scoffed, walking up behind you and wrapping his arms around your waist, swiftly picking you up and turning around until your backs were facing the mirror.

"Stop picking on yourself."

"I wasn't."

"You were, dumbass," he said, resting his chin on your shoulder as he pulled you tightly to him. "You're frowning again, and you only frown when you're doing that."

A sigh slipped past your lips, and he pressed his lips to your cheek for an elongated moment, before pulling away and releasing you from his grip. His hands quickly found your arms again, spinning you around to face him, and when he noticed your eyes drift over his shoulder to catch a glimpse of your reflection, he turned you both until your back faced the mirror once more. He released one of your arms, lifting his arm to cup your cheek, thumb brushing the skin under your bottom lashes tenderly. When he leaned forward, his lips caressed yours lightly, and when he pulled back he moved his other hand up to your cheek, thumbs moving down until they were positioned at the corner of your lips.

He paused for a moment, before pulling your lips and smushing your cheeks until it looked like you were smiling. "Smile." He released your lips, and when you didn't smile, he tugged your lips back into their previous position. "Smile!" he insisted. He released your lips and cheeks once more, and sighed when they fell back into a straight line.

Pressing his forehead against your, he stared intently into your eyes, searching them desperately before closing his own. "You're beautiful. You're gorgeous. You're amazing. Inside and out."

He opened his eyes, pushed the corner of your lips upwards again.

"Don't make me say sappy shit like that again."

When he released your lips, the smile remained, and he couldn't help but grin triumphantly.

He pressed his forehead to yours again, closing his eyes again - it was less embarrassing to say sappy stuff when his eyes were closed. "I love you, everything about you, but I love your smile the most."

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