stay || scenario - shota aizawa

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anonymous asked: Can I rq a scenario where all of the students are leaving the dorms for the holiday/Xmas but Aizawa finds out one student isn't able to go home? So maybe he stays with them? Just some fluffy dadzawa pls 🥺

"What are you still doing here? Everyone else has left. Are you having trouble packing?"

Aizawa's brow is furrowed, watching as you turn towards him, the remote in one hand and cookies in the other, a blanket draped over your lap and the remnants of early Christmas gifts littered around you. The light of the television is the only thing illuminating the room, and only just outlines your features as you finish chewing the cookie you had stuffed in your mouth.

"Oh, I can't go home for Christmas, so Principal Nezu is letting me stay here."

"Oh." He can't remember being informed of this, as far as he was concerned all of his students were returning home for the holidays, and he would be too tomorrow. But that would mean you'd be all alone for Christmas, a teenager left to cook for themselves and to celebrate the holidays without company. The guilt of leaving you tugs at his heart strings, and he lets out a sigh.

"Are you going home tomorrow Mr Aizawa?"

"No, not anymore."

You arch a brow in confusion, hand pausing halfway to your mouth, cookie in hand. "Was your train cancelled?"

"No. I'm staying here with you."

"Oh, you don't need to - "

"You're my student, and as annoying as you can be sometimes, I don't want you to be lonely. So I'll stay to keep you company."

You hesitate for a moment. "Are you sure Mr Aizawa? I don't want to take you away from your family."

He sighs. "I wasn't going to spend time with my family either, so what's the point in me going home and we both being alone. Here. I'll make dinner."

You nod as he walks away, can't help but smile after him, quickly grabbing your phone and you stuff another cookie in your mouth, typing furiously to Uraraka, Deku and Iida.

Dadzawa is real. Confirmed.

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