married life || headcanon - dabi, hawks and aizawa

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Introverted_Athenian asked: Hi, again. I was wondering if you could do a headcanon with Dabi, Hawks and Aizawa where they're dating/married to Reader and they have a young child, please


dabi would have never considered himself the type of person to become a family man, and he's the most surprised when he does become one. but there's something satisfying coming home to you, his partner for life, and your little one, who greets him with wide, innocent eyes and a mega-watt smile showing their adoration for him.

and even though he's a family man, your family isn't exactly the perfect nuclear model of one. but dabi could care less about that, he loves the little quirks your family has, and wouldn't change it for the world. so what if he's not the typical nine-to-five working father? he doesn't care, because he can spend all the time in the world with the two of you.

his favourite moments are at night, when the three of you have been watching a movie, your little one passing out whilst cuddled up your lap, you fast asleep on dabi's shoulder, his arms wrapped around you protectively. he loves being able to bask in the near-silence, the sound of you two breathing soothing him and easing all the tension out of him. it's in these moments he's most grateful for you.


hawks loves the family life. he never thought he would, he likes to be chill and relaxed, and having a kid definitely doesn't seem relaxed. but now that he has one, he realises just how truly amazing it is, and loves every second of it. he thinks its adorable how much your child idolizes him, and loves coming home to you and your child.

coming home to you was already one of the best things ever, but seeing you and your child interact is so precious, especially if a mess has been made in the process. he still fondly remembers coming home one day to find finger-paint everywhere except on your fingers and the piece of paper you had tried to coax your little one to paint on. 

although it scares the life at you, he loves taking your little one for fly-arounds. it gives your child a new perspective and he loves seeing the awe on their face as they peer down at the bustling streets from above. when he finally lands back where you are, he laughs at your relief, and teases you about not being as concerned about him when he flies, can't help but shake his head fondly when you send him a glare.


as much as his students annoy him, aizawa can't deny that he loves kids, and is overjoyed when he has one of his own with you. it feels so surreal to see this child, the perfect amalgamation of the two of you, running around with more energy that he'll ever have.

his favourite thing to do is to bring your children to work with him, let them meet all of his students. your child helps motivate his students, which makes his life that little bit easier, and your students fill your child with excitement and joy, which is more than he could ever ask for.

his best memory of you and your child is when the three of you went to go and get a cat from a rescue shelter. the way your child played with the cats and begged for every single one warmed his heart. but when your child finds the one, his heart melts at the sight of your child cuddling the cat, and he doesn't hesitate to let them bring the cat home.

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