mistaken identity || headcanon - fatgum

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anonymous asked: Hello I hope you're doing well I'm new to this blog and I don't know if your requests are open but I'm going to risk it and send you this. Can I get one where the reader sees fatgum in his skinny form and she doesn't recognize him and it's confused as to why he's talking to her so casually when they have obviously never met before. I'm sorry if it's too specific or your not taking request.

you're almost 100% certain you've never met this man in your life, but he talks with you with such familiarity that you feel like you have to talk to him. maybe you knew him in high school? no - you'd remember him. or perhaps he knew you as taishiro's partner, maybe you'd met him before at one of the many gatherings for heroes you'd attend with taishiro.

his smile looks familiar, so that must be it. it stretches from ear to ear and makes your heart skip a beat. you realise it looks exactly like taishiro's, and you can't help but smile back instinctively.

when he reaches out to touch you he frowns when you back away. there's a heated stare off for a moment as he tries to understand why you're flinching away from him, and then his eyes widen with the realisation - you've never seen him in his fat form before.

"babe! it's me!" and then the penny drops for you that it is taishiro - not just some random man you may or not know who reminds you of taishiro. you feel incredibly stupid, but at the same time, it's kind of surreal to see him in his skinny form - you've never seen him like this before, and it's kind of weird.

he laughs at the both if you, for his neglect of showing you and for your surprise, embracing your tightly and showering you with affection. and even though he's in his skinny form, it still feels exactly like a taishiro hug, warm and all-consuming, safe and melting away all of the tension in your shoulders.

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