touch sensitive || headcanon - kaminari, sero, bakugou and todoroki

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Lingtang1806 asked: Hi! Could you please do a headcannon with Kaminari, Sero, Bakugou, and Todoroki with an s/o who is sensitive to touching? They would probably flinch away/elbow anyone who touches them out of the blue. Thank you <3

denki kaminari

he feels guilty whenever he makes you flinch away, like he's done something wrong, and apologises straight away. sometimes he can't help but reach out and touch you, he's a very touchy person, but he makes sure to keep his distance from you.

he's more than happy to not touch you for as long as you need, he wants you to be completely comfortable in the relationship after all, and doesn't want you to resent him for it or anything.

eventually, whenever he sees someone reach out to touch you, he makes sure to stop them. he knows how much it can freak you out, so he wants to make sure that no one else upsets you by touching you, and that you're relaxed at all times.

hanta sero

he completely understands when you let him know about your sensitivity to touch, and will apologise repeatedly for any time in the past that he's touched you and freaked you out - he doesn't want you to lose trust in him or feel on edge whenever he's around you, so will make sure you're comfortable at all times.

he'll let you take as long as you need, and will always ask you for permission before he touches you. on the occasions you do let him touch you, he's extremely gentle and slow about it, making sure you know what he's about to do and never hurting you.

whenever someone else touches you, he makes sure you're alright before telling the person not to do it again. he hates it when you're upset, and will do everything in his power to make sure you're happy and comfortable.

katsuki bakugou

he doesn't really understand it at first, but overtime he'll understand. he's not the biggest fan of being touched himself, but that's more because of his attitude towards others, so he'll respect your reasoning and keep his distance.

whereas he may be a bit impatient about it, he'll let you take as long as you need to get used to his touch. sometimes he'll find himself subconsciously touching you, just as a gut response to something, and he'll observe your reaction carefully. he may even help you get used to touch a little more.

he'll definitely shout at people who touch you and freak you out a lot, especially those who do it over and over again without learning their lesson. rest assured, no one will ever touch you again once they've seen how he reacts.

shoto todoroki

todoroki completely and utterly understands - he shies away from touch too, and definitely won't force you into getting used to his touch. if anything, he's more than happy to limit touching with you completely, it's not anything essential in his mind, and he just wants you to feel comfortable.

whenever someone touches you and you;re no expecting it, he's always the first to soothe you and make sure that you're ok. after all, he knows the best what it's like to have someone touch you and not like it, so will always be there ready to help you calm down if you need him.

he'll gently explain to people who touch you that you don't want it, although sometimes it can come out as a thinly veiled threat. if someone is a repeat offender, he'll definitely be much more assertive with them - if they can't learn their lesson once, he'll find a way to make sure they do.

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