fluff || headcanon - tensei iida

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KlauzVonReinherz4 asked: a tensei lida fluff headcannon would be nice^_^

tensei's a rather laid-back guy, and this is no different in your relationship. he's most likely the perfect boyfriend, and his easy-going attitude makes him an easy person to be with. he's willing to do everything and anything you want to do, as long as he's with you he doesn't really mind, and loves to be able to be with you.

when he comes home from a long day on patrol, he just melts into your arms as you greet him at the door, pressing a firm kiss to your lips and wrapping his arms tight around you. he'll just stand there with you in his arms and let the worries of the day melt away. just being able to hold you grants you great relief, and those few minutes of comfortable silence is enough to help him start to unwind from the day.

his favourite thing to do is cook with you. whereas he isn't the bet cook in the world, he loves ambling around the kitchen and helping you where he can. it's so domestic and it fills him with undeniable love and joy. he loves wrapping his arms around you and swaying you side to side to the music playing softly in the background, pressing kisses to the side of your head every so often.

speaking of music, he's totally the corny type of boyfriend who will pull you up from the couch or bed just to dance with you, regardless of whether there's music or not playing. he'll twirl you around and dip you deeply and dance flamboyantly just to see you smile and hear you laugh - it's definitely an instant way to make you feel better after a particularly rough day.

he loves to talk about you and show you off to everyone he knows. you're the most amazing and interesting person to him, and he could honestly talk about you for hours and hours. when someone asks after you he can't help but go on and on and on about you. everyone just watches on in bemusement at this, because it's clear just how utterly and unequivocally he's in love with you.

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