a, b, k and m || marriage alphabet - tamaki amajiki

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anonymous asked: could you please do a, k and m from the marriage alphabet with tamaki? (2/2) i just realized you said you would do four letters! 😅 you could throw in a random letter of your choice for the tamaki requests i just sent if you'd like!

a - about (what about you made them want to marry you?)

your tenderness and caring heart. he's not the bravest soul, and he's thankful that you're so accommodating and encouraging. he loves that if he's had a rough day, he can turn to you to soothe his worries, and that you clearly care for him so much.

b - baby (would they want kids with you as soon as possible?)

not really. he's happy it just being the two of you for a while, and honestly the idea of having kids is kind of nerve-wracking for him. he's still trying to figure himself up, still trying to build up his confidence and make himself into the person that not only others will be proud of, but he'll be proud of. he wants to make sure he's in a good mindset, and can be the best dad he can possibly be.

k - kiss (how often would you two kiss? do you still have that spark?)

when the two of you first entered a relationship, he was rather shy about kissing, but now he can't get enough of you. he loves stealing kisses when he can, almost always being the instigator. he'll press a quick kiss to your cheek when he passes you in the hall, once to your neck when you're cooking, one to your lips when you help him tie his tie before an official event, and one to your forehead before he leaves for work. the spark will always be there, they make his whole body tingle - just the thought of someone wanting to kiss him, especially someone he loves so much, thrills him.

m - make (do they still make your heart flutter after years of marriage?)

yes! tamaki's a huge softy, and he'll always find little ways to make you smile and blush. bouquets of roses once a week, your favourite chocolate sometimes accompanying them, trips away for your birthday and a special meal for your anniversary. he spoils you, but honestly just seeing his bright smile is enough to make your heart flutter wildly.

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