senpai || headcanon - denki kaminari

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Snuwii asked: Can you do one where class 1-A are 2nd years and the readers a first year, and Denki has thing with being called senpai (not exactly a kink or whatever, but he overly likes being called senpai) but the reader doesn't know and calls him senpai on a regular basis? Thank youu ❤️❤️

honestly, he thinks it's the most adorable thing ever. he doesn't know why, but whenever you call him senpai your cuteness meter explodes and he can't help but blush at how sweet and innocent you are. the way you seem so totally in awe of him and are so totally focused on him makes his heart beat at a mile a minute.

he thinks it's cute as hell that you're so enamored by him, and feels incredibly important when it's him that you go to for advice and help. and it fills him with pride for himself that you always return to him for advice and help no matter how many times he gives you bad advice or struggles to help you.

whenever any of the other boys in class wink or joke about the suggestiveness behind it he's quick to put them in their place. you're just a cute girl who admires him a lot, and you help motivate him to be the best he can be.

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