dadzawa || headcanon - shouta aizawa

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anonymous asked: Hey! I was wondering if you would be comfortable writing for Aizawa but in a platonic way, more like dadzawa if your not that's completely fine and you can just ignore this :) how would he react to accidentally hurting his student during a final exam, like she try to tell him to stop but he didn't notice that he injured her and she has a scar or limp form it but she doesn't blame him for it

he can't help but feel guilty when he accidentally hurt you during exam. he knows it's the entire point of the exam, to see if you can withstand injuries and still continue to fight, but the oily black claws of guilt soon start scratching at his insides. he knows he goes softer on you than he does the others. he loves all of his students, and never enjoys intentionally hurting them, but he feels a fatherly love for you, and it pains him more to hurt you than others.

as a result, he likely has other pro-heroes fight against you in exams. he doesn't want you to be hurt, but he doesn't want to go easy on you throughout your entire education and let it be your downfall after graduation. he wants you to be strong and capable of looking after yourself and others, and as much as he hates to admit it, he can't help you with that if he knows he's going to be gentle with you.

but of course, he can't avoid not training you forever, so he decides he needs to go all out on you during one exam. there's a small part of him screaming at him to stop, to go easier on you than he intends to, but his logic tells him you need this. he knows it's a mistake when he sees your ankle bend at an angle he's never even imagined an ankle being capable of bending at before.

his apologies are non-stop flowing out of him when he helps bring you to recovery girl, guilt slowly destroying him from the inside out. he winces every time he catches a glimpse of your ankle, or when he hears you yelp in pain on the journey there. he's confused when you thank him though, for not going easy on you, and he dismisses it as disorientation from the pain.

once you've mostly recovered, you're back on your feet, albeit with a bit of a limp, and it makes him feel even more guilty. but he quickly notices the way you absolutely thrive in training, how there's a new vigor to everything you do, how even injuries that would cripple him don't seem to deter you. his eyes are glossy with tears when you thank him and hug him on your final day at u.a., and he knows he's done the right thing, and is proud of the hero you become.

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