gang orca's daughter || headcanon - sero, kirishima and shinsou

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anonymous asked: Hi, Ellie! I love your writing! Can I get headcanons for Sero, Kiri, and Shinso? How would they react if their girlfriend is Gang Orca's daughter? And how do you think Gang Orca would react to his little girl dating? Have a great day!

hanta sero

of course, regardless who it is you are dating, gang orca is going to act all tough and menacing around them. he'll glare at them whenever they're around him and belittle them as much as possible - he wants a reaction, he wants to see how they'll react when he does this. he knows hanta is typically chill and laid back, so he puts extra effort into trying to get a rise out of him.

but eventually gang orca will eventually relent on this, especially when he gets to see just how chill hanta is. even though he'll still stay rather aloof around him, gang orca will leave the two of you to your own devices for the most part. that doesn't mean hanta can do absolutely everything, though, and certainly whenever you're around gang orca with hanta, if the latter ever puts his hands on you you best believe gang orca will watch him like a hawk.

once he realises just how much of a good match you and hanta are, gang orca will truly treat hanta like his own son. he'll willingly spend time of him and whenever he sees the two of you together it makes him all mushy. gang orca is secretly a gigantic softy, and he will no doubt coo over the two of you all the time. when hanta asks him if he can marry you, he doesn't think twice before giving his consent.

eijirou kirishima

gang orca also tries to intimidate eijirou, and will act all tough and menacing as well. it satisfies him to know that eijirou is a little bit weary and scared of gang orca, and he knows he'll never step out of line. nonetheless, gang orca will keep this persona up for a long time to ensure that eijirou is as manly and chivalrous as he makes himself out to be.

he warms up to eijirou a lot faster than he does any of the other boys. eijirou's motivation and desire to become a hero, and admires the way he takes criticism so well. he was once rather insulting about eijirou's techniques, and was impressed by how well he took it, even more impressed when he came back just over a week letter and had drastically improved the technique. eijirou gains gang orca's respect that day.

after gang orca has fully adjusted to the idea of his little girl dating someone, he has an extremely good relationship with eijirou, and offers to take him on as a sidekick straight out of u.a. he knows the boy has extreme potential, and he wants to be able to give him the best start on the hero scene, especially because he wants you both to live a comfortable life.

hitoshi shinsou

gang orca is a lot more cautious about hitoshi than he is others. he knows the boys quirk and it's potentials for evil, and although he doesn't want to think his of his daughter's boyfriend as evil, he can't help but exercise caution. he's known perfectly good men who have turned evil because their quirks dictate it. but when you tell him of hitoshi's past and self-consciousness of his quirk, gang orca tries to not hold the prejudice against him.

it doesn't take him long to adjust to hitoshi. he's incredibly calm and laid-back, just like him, so it's easy for them to get along. by coincidence, he always witnesses hitoshi subtly using his quirk in your defence when a man catcalls you in the street (catcalling is horrible don't do it, it's not a compliment thanks) to get him to apologise to you. gang orca gains a lot of respect for him that day, and knows hitoshi will only use his quirk for good and to protect you.

his relationship with hitoshi from that point on is extremely good. he welcomes hitoshi into his home with open arms and is always asking after him, he'll also ask after him frequently, and when hitoshi is around yours gang orca always goes out of his way to talk to him. he respects hitoshi and wants to get to know him, and he has a feeling your relationship will last for a long time.

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