volleyball || scenario - denki kaminari

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Snuwii asked: Could you do a Kaminari x reader where the reader plays volleyball (because apparently that's a thing at UA now lol) and he watched a game and afterwards he flirts with her and they hit off? (Feel free to change anything)

Out of all of the sports Denki thought he would love to watch girls play, volleyball definitely wasn't on the list. Of course, he did enjoy the outfits - who wouldn't - and the fact that there were girls there, but seeing them slip, fall and slam into the ground was enough to make even the most hardened person wince. Every time he heard someone slam into the floor he couldn't help but wince, always on the edge of his seat in anticipation for who might get hurt next.

But when he saw you on the pitch, so elegant and unfaltering with your movements, he was enchanted, and volleyball became his favourite sport. Your leaps into the air, the way you dove for the ball in a way that ensured you'd hit it back into the air and be on your feet within seconds again without so much as a bump, the way you easily slammed the ball down over the net and the way you yelled with joy whenever you scored a point - you were phenomenal. Even when you were drenched in sweat, panting to catch your breath as you took time off of court, Denki's heart thudded wildly in his chest because he'd never seen a girl as beautiful as you.

What could he say to get your attention? Would you scoff and walk away if he tried to talk to you? If he tried to flirt with you?

He'd thought of thousands of things he could say to you, but none of them ever seemed right, and when he finally found the courage to say something, his body would freeze on his way there and the words would choke him. He'd retreat to the sidelines again, where he'd beat himself up and scurry back to the dorms, already combing through another hundred things he could say to you. Because it was always next time.

"You're Kaminari, right? Chargebolt? I thought I recognised you. I'm not gonna lie, you made me feel kinda bad that I had such an avid supporter and I didn't even know your name."

"Uh. Yeah." Maybe he could start a new life in America. No one would know him there, and no one would ever hear about how stupid he was. But now you were here in front of him, he couldn't throw away this chance. Should he compliment your eyes? No. Maybe your Quirk? Definitely not - he didn't want to seem like a stalker! Your smile was so pretty. Really pretty. "Your smile is gorgeous."

Why would he say that? He's an idiot. How much were flights to America anyway?

You felt a rush of heat creep up your neck, forcing a bashful smile onto your lips. "Oh! Thank you. So, uh, you like volleyball then?"

"Yeah, I do," he said. "Well. I do now. I didn't when I first saw it. It looks painful, you know, throwing yourself down on the floor like that. But when I saw you playing it you completely changed the game for me. Crap. Forget I said that. I'm sorry! I'm not a creep or anything!"

He waved his hands around frantically, cheeks flaring up with humiliation as he stumbled over his words. He paused when you laughed, throwing your head back and holding your stomach, sweat dripping from your forehead. "Don't worry. It's not creepy. It's cute. I'm glad I could change it for you, Kaminari! It's a lot of fun."

He nodded dumbly. "Yeah. It looks it."

He held your eyes when your turned your head to face him. "Maybe I could teach you one day?"

"Huh? Oh - yeah, I'd love that!"

He returned your smile.

"Great. Hey, I'll be on soon, but wait for me after the match. Okay, Number One Fan?"

His heart skipped a beat when you pressed a firm kiss to his cheek, and all he could do was nod as he felt electricity shoot through him, stunning him dumb.

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