comfort me || headcanon - toshinori yagi and shota aizawa

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anonymous asked: Maybe some reader comforting toshinori and aizawa after they have a bad nightmare or a panic attack? Thank you sooo much for taking the time to write these!!!!!

toshinori yagi

he knows he's safe the moment he wakes up, and is relieved to see you safe and well as you hover above him, concern furrowing your brow. but he can't calm his heart down, it's thundering against his chest as he recalls the nightmare, the nightmare in which you were ripped from his arms. for a moment he thinks he's still dreaming, but when you reach out to touch his face he realises it's reality.

he's beyond relieved to see that you're okay, takes you into his arms and strokes your hair as he calms down. he tries to focus on your breathing, is reassured by the circles you rub on your chest, no doubt an effort to calm his pounding heart in his chest.

your soothing words ground him, and despite the fear still prominent at the forefront of his mind, he's consumed by your love. you're so caring and loving, reassuring him of your presence and the fact that you're both safe and sound in bed, out of harms way. peppering kisses all over his face helps him relax too, and he wonders what he'd do without you.

shota aizawa

waking up is probably the scariest part, because it all felt so real, and he has to sit up as his vision swims in front of him and his head spins wildly. it jerks you awake too, and before he knows it you're rubbing a hand on his back. it almost feels cruel, to feel you, so real and so there, when you've just been taken from him in a nightmare.

but your touch soothes him, slows his heart down and helps him slowly regain his breath. he's not panicking anymore, because you're actually there, safe and sound and most importantly alive. your touch grounds him, makes logical analysis of the situation - you're unharmed, and you're okay.

he'll listen intently to your soothing words, memorising the way you form each vowel, revels in the way you can instantly wash away the tension from his shoulders just by whispering your affections to him. he'll sink into your embrace, sleepily accept your tender kisses and let you stroke his hair until he slips into a dreamless sleep.

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