sunshine girl || scenario - mirio togata

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Ackepeteraotnarnia asked: Do you think that you could write a Mirio x reader please ? A really cute one where that retraces their love story together ! she's in general studies (let's say she's quirkless so it's easier for you ! She's a really smart girl but you know shy with people that she doesn't know and when she opens up she's a real sunshine ! At the very beginning,She really wants to know Mirio because he's such a cheerful person so one day she goes up to him and she asks him if he would accept to be her friend (shynesssssss) or something like this because she really admire him ! She's also there when he loses his quirk but she sticks by his side I don't know if you get the general idea ? Honestly it's blurry for me as well but... 😭😂😂


When you first saw him, he was crying. He had a tight grip on his mother's leg, fat tears rolling down the globes of his cheeks as the teacher attempted to pull him away, soothing him with encouragement in between assuring his mother that a lot of children acted like this in unfamiliar settings. But despite his mother's and the teacher's best efforts, he can't be coaxed into the classroom, not even at the promise of a new toy if he's good by his mother. The teacher is panicking, she's never had a student this attached to her mother, and her gaze wanders to the classroom, searching desperately for her assistant. Her eyes land on you instead, and she gestures to you and calls your name with a smile, facing Mirio once again when you arrive at her side.

"Hey, Mirio," she tries again, and the boy turns his face slightly to look at his teacher, a new wave of tears glossing his eyes, ready to unleash should the teacher try and tug him away again. "I want you to introduce you to someone, she can be your friend." She turns to look at you. "Sunshine, this is Mirio. He doesn't want to leave his Mummy, do you think you could be his friend and help him feel better?"

Mirio turns his face towards you, observing you curiously as you look from your teacher, to Mirio, then back to your teacher. You reach out towards him, offering your hand and he scrutinizes it. His mother places an encouraging hand on the top of his head. He hesitates for a moment, before placing his hand in yours, letting you intertwine your fingers. When he glances up at you, you're grinning brightly, it's like a ray of light, and he can't help but return a watery smile.

"Sunshine's a weird name."


When Mirio excitedly tells you his Quirk manifested, you share his excitement, watching in awe as he sticks his hand through Tamaki's head, who squirms uncomfortably. He relays the story of his Quirk manifesting with frantic joy, talking at a mile a minute, eyes growing wider and brighter with every words that leaves his mouth. You react appropriately to the story, eyes widening at moments of climax and smile widening when he tells you how he gained control of his Quirk. You're overjoyed that Mirio has his Quirk, but can't help but feel jealous and sad that your own Quirk hasn't manifested. He's quick to notice that you've lost interest in his story, staring at your hands sadly, as if willing your Quirk to surface in that very moment. He whispers words of encouragement to you as the teacher quietens you, and assures you that one day you will get your Quirk.

It's much later in the day before you start to think about what your own Quirk could be again. The vast majority of the other children in your class have theirs now, and there's a special class to help them gain control of their Quirk. It leaves you, Tamaki and another boy in the class to your own devices on the benches at the side of the sports hall, watching on jealously as the other children test the limits of their Quirks. The other boy occupies himself with a book, utterly unconcerned with everything going on around him, and Tamaki fidgets nervously by your side, eyeing the fire that one girl hiccups out anxiously.

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