block out the haters || headcanon - shota aizawa, toshinori yagi and fatgum

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anonymous asked: I don't know if you have any rules or not, I tried looking and didn't see anything (I'm on mobile) so I hope this request is okay! Could you do headcanons with Aizawa, Toshinori, and Fatgum and how they'd help/comfort their pro-hero s/o who has to deal with some sexist stuff regularly? Sadly, I'd imagine female pro heroes might have to deal with it sometimes when they're trying to make it big

shota aizawa

it infuriates him that you have to go through things like this. he knows you're a fully capable woman and a phenomenal hero, and he wishes your hard work and dedication would get more notice! he knows male heroes who don't work twice as hard as you but have better reputations, and he thinks its totally skewered.

he'll tell you to ignore them, that the people who say that are all bark and no bite, which to be honest, they are. they're not the type of people who would say it to your face for fear of being branded as a horrible person, or perhaps it's because they're too much of a wimp. their words are meaningless, idle chatter, and you definitely shouldn't let it hurt you!

whenever he sees a sexist story about you, he makes sure to have it taken down as quickly as he possibly can. he'll low-key threaten everyone who talks badly about his s/o, especially because it's undeserved. you're an amazing hero, and you certainly don't deserve having your name slandered for no reason.

toshinori yagi

it really does anger him to see so many sexist comments about you in the media. he thinks it's disgusting behaviour, and can't understand why people are so willing to put down brave, selfless women such as yourself, who are just trying to protect the good in the world just the same as he is.

he'll soothe you whenever it really gets to you, hold you close and press kisses to your head, tell you they're just talking out of their behinds. they don't know the real you, and they certainly don't have any place to judge you - their words don't matter, and you shouldn't let them effect you. you're a strong, powerful woman, who needs to show them who's boss.

he'll use his influence as all might to make sure no one talks badly against you again. at every opportunity he gets he'll openly praise you too, and soon the headlines will be flourishing with praises about you rather than false rumours and sexist remarks. you deserve to be recognised for your achievements, not ridiculed for your costume choice.

fatgum (taishiro toyomitsu)

it frustrates him to no end when he hears all these rumours about you and sees all the sexist remarks about you in the headlines. you don't deserve this kind of treatment at all. he's seen you at your best, and at your worst, and your worst is a million times better than some other heroes' best!

he'll hug you tight and smother you with endless affection whenever you're upset about it, whisper soothing words to you and feed you every comfort food in the book. he'll remind you that you're his gal and none of them know the true you, and that you're a strong woman with or without the influence of men. he doesn't want these empty words to upset you, so he makes sure you see that for every hateful remark you get, you get one hundred loving ones.

is definitely outspoken about it. whenever he gets interviewed by a news show and recognises them as one of the perpetrators, he calls them out on it. he'll boldly tell them that they're wrong for writing things like that about you, and sing his praises about you, making them swear to remove every hateful thing said about you from their network, because you're a phenomenal hero who could very well be their only ticket to survival one day, so you deserve respect.

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