a, b, c and d || angst alphabet - denki kaminari

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cloutalexa asked: hey! can you maybe do an angst alphabet for kami? 🥺

a/n: i only do four letters per request for a character, so i've just done the first four!

a - accident (would they blame themselves if you died in an accident?)

without a doubt. he'd feel so guilty if he knew you died because of him. after all that time he had spent training, saving lives and working tirelessly to improve his skills, he couldn't even save you. it was all a waste, the one person he worked so hard to protect was gone.

b - break up (how would they deal with one?)

he'd struggle at first, and he'd definitely cry and beg, but after calming down he'd understand and accept your decision. he'll find it incredibly rough at first, and perhaps deep down he'll struggle to come to terms with it, occasionally slipping up and maybe calling you babe or trying to talk to you when really you just want to be alone.

c - crying (are they much of a crier?)

he doesn't cry often, but when he does, he really does. he can sob and sob and sob, and it's hard to get him to stop. it takes a lot to really shake him up, and most of the time when he does cry it's for others. he tries really hard to keep it together, however.

d - death (how do they deal with any death?)

he'd start questioning whether he could have done anything to prevent the death, even if there was genuinely nothing he could have done. he'd overthink every single interaction he'd had with that person, and question whether his choice of response was what twisted the strings of fate and caused their death. his guilt would be immeasurable, and he'd take a long time to recover from the death.

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