clumsy klutz || headcanon - hitoshi shinsou and denki kaminari

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anonymous asked: hello!! owo,, can i ask for a headcanon for shinsou and denki (the loml 😤😤) where the reader is really quiet and shy and awkward when they meet then after a while when they get to know the reader more she's actually super ditzy, and clumsy, and noisy and they kinda get a wittle crush on ber 👉🏻👈🏻? hajdjdksn thanks xoxo!! loves you 💓💓 sorry if its not uber specific i just,, wanna give you creative freedom 🥺👉🏻👈🏻 yeah ANW- love you loads 🥰💓

hitoshi shinsou

hitoshi usually likes the shy and awkward types - they're easier to deal with, and they aren't loud and annoying. he gets along well with people like that, so he knows he'll get along with you well when he first meets you.

he's surprised when you turn out to be noisy, clumsy and ditzy, but he finds it oddly charming, even if sometimes your innocent remarks and constant accidents frustrate him. he thinks it's adorable, although he'd never admit that.

he subconsciously finds himself checking up on you every so often - ok, that's a lie, he tends to full on stare at you when you're around, but he dismisses it as platonic concern for your well-being. after all, you have nasty habit of hurting yourself when you fall.

he gets teased by a lot when kaminari comes up with the absolutely ridiculous idea that he has a crush on you. he sticks by his argument that he's merely being a good friend when he fusses over you and makes sure you're alright, but he knows even kaminari isn't stupid enough to fall for that lie.

he denies his crush on you for a long time, but it's when you trip again whilst walking over to him, falling straight into his arms, a ditzy grin on your lips as you let him haul you to your feet. he can't fight the blush that shoots up his neck and onto his cheeks when you embrace him tightly in thanks, and his skin tingles when you intertwine your fingers with his and drag him away. he watches you like a hawk for the rest of the day, admitting to kaminari in the evening that he was right all along.

denki kaminari

denki loves the shy, quiet type of girl. they're so cute and the undeniable picture of innocence, which he absolutely digs. he thinks your initial awkward ramblings are possibly the cutest thing he's ever seen, and he grins like a fool when you stammer over your words.

but denki absolutely adores the ditzy, clumsy types too. in his opinion, you can't get a better girl than that. the innocence and charming way you go about things is absolutely adorable, and he can't resist flirting with you.

he's not discouraged when his flirting attempts go over your head, if anything it makes it better, and your wide, confused eyes make his heart skin a beat every time. he throws out every pick up line he knows, and only laughs when his friends groan at hearing the corny line.

he knows he has a crush - he hasn't felt this strong of an affection for someone in his life, and he gets angry when everyone dismisses it as one of his 'typical' crushes - the kind that lasts thirty seconds before another girl rocks up.

he proves that this crush is something more when he boldly walks up to you in front of the entire class and asks you out on a date. he's ecstatic when you agree, and although he finds it to be the cutest thing ever, he's a little bit discouraged when you ask where everyone else is. because it was meant to be a group meeting, right?

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