familiar faces || scenario - denki kaminari

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anonymous asked: hihi!! i absolutely love your bakugou x childhood friend!reader oneshots, could i ask for a oneshot w denki seeing his childhood friend when they transfer to class 1-a? like, he doesn't recognize them at first, but when he does his heart just explodes?? idk if this is too specific lol

There's something familiar about you, but he just can't put his finger on it.

He's been staring at you all day, although not because he has a crush on you, as everyone seems to immediately believed, although he can't deny you're probably the cutest thing he's ever seen.

He missed your name when Aizawa introduced you to the class, and whenever he goes to ask someone your name, Aizawa shoots him a glare and it's enough to make his mouth snap shut before the words have even begun to leave his mouth.

Your Quirk seems familiar too, and he could have sworn he had seen or heard of it before. Perhaps a Hero has a similar Quirk? No. Midoriya would have pointed it out in a heartbeat, and Denki knows it's a Quirk Midoriya's never seen before by the frantic way he writes in his notebook and the questions that fly out of his mouth.

Denki hasn't missed the brief glances you've sent in his direction, gnawing at your bottom lip as you do. You look like you want to say something, and he thinks you know who he is too. But Todoroki's standing just behind him, so perhaps you were looking at him instead - everyone loves Todoroki.

It bothers him all day, and he's still frowning as he's still wracking his brain for answers as he trudges back to the dorms, every so often lifting his gaze from the ground to look at you and his classmates. The quiz you at a mile a minute - where are you from, what middle school did you go to, what exactly can you do with you Quirk, why you were transferred to U.A.

Saitama Prefecture. Funny, that's where he's from. And your middle school sounds familiar too. Wait, that's where he went.

When he finally remembers, he can almost envision the light bulb igniting above his head, and his jaw drops as he comes to a complete stop, staring at you in complete surprise. Kirishima stops just ahead of him, asking if he's alright, but all he can do is stare at you in awe.

Puberty had treated you well. Very well.

Before he can coherently organise his thoughts, he's over by your side in an instant, a grin stretching from ear to ear as he engulfs you in the biggest hug he can muster. His joy explodes throughout him, and only increases when he feels you grin against his shoulder. Your classmates watch on in confusion, questioning the scene. When Kaminari pulls away, he recognizes you now, you're at the front of his mind as clear as day.

His childhood friend. His best friend in the whole world. The only one in the world who would be his friend whilst he was still learning to control his Quirk. The one who just laughed when he accidentally shocked you, manipulating your hair to stand up straight to make him laugh too when he was on the verge of tears. The one who encouraged him to pursue his dreams of being a Hero, even though everyone around him had discouraged it, claimed his Quirk was too dangerous.

There's a million things he could say to you, but in true, Denki Kaminari fashion, all he can say is:

"Damn, you're cute!"

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