pain in power || headcanon - present mic and fatgum

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anonymous asked: Thank you so much for doing these! I just found your blog and really love your style!! 🥰Could you do Present Mic and Fatgum with an s/o whose has a really powerful quirk but is often in a lot of pain because of it?

present mic

he hates seeing you in pain because of your quirk. he knows it's powerful and can be used for a lot of good, but he'd rather you be safe and happy than in constant pain. but he won't stop you from pursuing a career as a hero - he knows what it's like to want to be a hero, and he won't get in the way of your dreams.

he makes sure to take care of you after you have a particularly rough day, it takes a lot out of you and you're often left exhausted, and he'll do anything for you and get you anything you'll need. look at him as your personal butler for the night, cooking (although most of the time it's takeout) for you and smothering you with love and affection.

he'll probably splurge money on things to help you with the pain and tension in your muscles, these professional rollers to massage the knots out. he'll treat you like royalty to be honest, and after a while subconsciously finds himself massaging your shoulders - he just doesn't want you to be in pain.


this big old softy really hates seeing you in pain, and it saddens him that you have to suffer so much despite doing all that good. he'll praise you over and over again for all the work you've done despite how much it destroys your body, and will do absolutely anything to make sure that you can live as comfortably as possible.

he'll cook you large elaborate meals to keep your energy up, to make sure you've got those reserves to help rebuild your muscles and strength. he'll cook you whatever you want whenever you want it, and will even serve you in bed or on the couch if you don't want to move.

after cuddling you and showering you with affection, he'll carry you to bed. he doesn't want you to exert more energy than you need to, so will happily do it. he'll have warmed the bed up, or in the summer months cooled it down, and will hold you close and rub your back tenderly as you fall asleep. his top priority is your comfort, and honestly if you're comfortable then he will be too.

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