comfort || headcanon - dabi

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anonymous asked: Hi this is my first time requesting but I just lost around 230$ and after trying to fix it for 2 hours it just didn't work,,, could I have some Dabi comforting his fem s/o who's been crying and feeling entirely hopeless for loosing all her hard work? 💖💖 It's okay if you can't do it! Ty!!!

dabi isn't the best as dealing with these kinds of situations, but he certainly tries his best to help you. he knows what it feels like to feel utterly helpess and powerless, and he hates that you have to feel the same way. he'll hold you close and stroke your hair, hoping he can distract you from those feelings. he can't take it away, but he'll do his damn best to help you, even if he's not entirely sure what to do.

he'll wipe your tears away with the pads of his thumbs, use his sleeve to wipe the liquid away from your cheeks. crying isn't a sign of weakness, just a sign that you've been strong for too long, so he doesn't admonish you for crying. he tries his best to soothe you, tries to whisper assurances in your ears to stop you from crying. every so often he'll press a kiss to the side of your head, just to remind you he's there.

when you've calmed down enough he'll pull you close to him, let you lay against him and pull blankets over the two of you. he'll make sure you have everything you need first though, a nice drink, some of your favourite snacks, anything else you need. he tends to prefer popping in and out, but he's more than happy to lay still for hours with you fast asleep on his chest if it means you'll fell better.

he knows you're an extremely hard worker, and it frustrates him just as much as it frustrates you to see all your hard work go down the drain like that. you deserve better, and so he tries to give you that. he'll spoil you rotten, and his attention to detail is impeccable. he'll get you things you mention is casual conversation, and he can't help but smile at the joy on your face when he hands you something you mentioned in passing.

he's not the type for displays of affection, but he'll absolutely shower you in it in order to make you feel better. tight, reassuring squeezes and gentle caresses to your cheek as he holds onto you. soft tender kisses to your nose, cheeks, eyelids and lips, pouring as much love as physically possible into each and every one. he wants to make sure that you know he's there and reassure you of his love for you, that there's good in the world and good in him, that you make him a better person.

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