I 'Effin Love You Too

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I've decided to make that little sample I wrote not too long ago, last year- hee hee- and make it into a full blown sequel. If you liked how the story ended, then you don't have to read this sequel. This is for those of you who wanted a sequel. The sample kicks the story off, but I added the rest of the part to it.

HAPPY NEW YEAR, BTW! It's full of new beginnings and fresh starts. It's a whole new year, so make the best of it peoples!

<3 Nikky~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

-Grace's POV-

I watched myself in the mirror. Today was March ninteenth, my birthday. I was turning seventeen today, at nine p.m. sharp to be exact. I looked a lot like my mother when she was my age. Or at least that's what I've seen in the pictures she's shown me of her and dad. I was now just a younger version of her with my curly ringlet red hair, my fair complexion, and my brown eyes. I actually think my eyes were more from my dad than my mom. He had the darker ones, after all, like me. 'Perfect' by Simple Plan started playing on my alarm clock, telling me to wake up for school. Little did that silly clock know, I was already up and ready for school. I bent down and finished tying my Converse shoes and went downstairs. Mom was up and making breakfast. Dad was sitting at the table, reading the paper.

"Morning, Daddy," I said, kissing the top of his head.

"Hey, there's the birthday girl!" he said joyfully.

"Morning Mom," I said, kissing her cheek.

"Good morning, angel. Happy birthday," she smiled.

"Thank you," I said, sitting down at the table across from dad. Mom put my plate in front of me and I couldn't help but smile at it. She had made me the funny face pancake that they had at IHOP. It used to be my favorite- and secretly still was- breakfast.

"Thanks mom," I grinned. She gave me a knowing smile and nodded.

"You're very welcome," she said. Dad swore.

"Language, young man," I teased. He rolled his eyes, but smiled. "What's with the potty mouth?"

"Your grandfather has decided to make an appearance in the paper," he shrugged. Of course he did. I still couldn't believe that my grandfather, my grandpa Melvin, decided not to retire. He was getting old and his job took a lot out of him.

"Daddy, he's always in the paper," I said. Dad still looked upset, but shook it off.

"Who's he defending now?" I asked. Dad looked up at me.

"No one special, sweetheart," he said, glancing at mom who was watching him curiously. There was something between them........hmm, oh well. I shrugged it off as nothing as I finished my pancake and stood up.

"I gotta go," I said, taking my plate to the sink.

"You sure you don't want to stay home today? You could if you wanted to," Mom said.

"I got that test in Statistics today," I reminded her. She nodded.

"Okay, good luck Grace," she said. "Don't forget to remind Danny he's coming to dinner with us!"

"Trust me, I won't," I giggled.

"Eh, he could stay behind if he wanted to," Dad mumbled.

"Dad," I scolded him playfully. "See you later!"

-Summer's POV-

I waited until Grace was out the front door before addressing my husband.

"You," I said. He looked back at me.

I 'Effin Love You Too (sequel to I 'Effin Love You)Where stories live. Discover now