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I was sitting next to Derek on the hospital's private jet.
"How did you pull these strings," I chuckled.
"Being a board member has its perks," he chuckled.
"How serious is this?" I said.
"I don't know Amy," he said.
"We'll get to go back right?" I said.
"We're not the president we're not going into hiding," Derek chuckled.
"If Vega is in custody why is this a big deal?" I said.
"Because you and I both know that he wasn't the only one in the store," he said.
"Yeah," I said.
"You'll have sex with Owen again don't worry," he joked.
"Derek! Shut up!" I said. He laughed and I chuckled.
Our flight landed and I was nervous. How serious was this? Did anyone try to hurt my sisters? We walked to a rental car that Derek and I were going to share.
"You mind if I call Owen?" I asked.
"No," he said, "you will anyway."
"True," I chuckled. I took out my phone and called him.
"Hey," I said, "we landed and are in the rental car."
"Okay," he said, "flight okay?"
"Yeah," I said.
"I miss you," he said.
"I miss you too," I said.
"Promise to call me before bed?" He said cutely.
"You want me to read you a bed time story too?" I joked.
"Shut up," he pouted. I chuckled and we pulled up to Nancy's house.
"Hey I gotta go, I love you and I'll call you later," I said.
"Bye Mia, I love you too," he said. We got out and Nancy and the attorney were already waiting for us.
"Funny how you two hopped on a plane and still beat Lizzie and Kathleen here," Nancy joked as we walked in. After a few minutes Liz and Kathleen arrived and we sat down with the attorney, her name was Jacqueline Cox.
"Whatever is discussed here cannot leave this room," Jacqueline said.
"Okay," we nodded.
"So we all know that Vega has been arrested, there was recent search history of all five of your names, the hospitals you work for, and the names of 3/5 of your spouses from his IP address, but also a second one," She said.
"Do you know where the IP belongs to?" Liz asked.
"Who's spouses were searched?" Nancy said.
"I cannot tell you that," Jacqueline said.
"How serious is this, we left all of our families!" Kathleen said.
"I moved mine out so we could have this meeting!" Nancy said.
"At least they aren't a plane ride away," I said.
"Did you trace the IP address?" Derek asked.
"We are working on it, the results should come in tonight," Jacqueline said. I looked at Derek and he looked over at me.
"Do you think it's the other man?" I whispered.
"Yeah, I think it is," Derek whispered.
"Wasn't his name in the report with ours?" I whispered.
"Hey this is no time for secrets here!" Nancy said.
"Shut up," Derek said.
"She's right," Jacqueline said, "any information could help."
"The other IP address probably belongs to the other guy who was there when our father was killed," Derek said.
"You are right, we are crossing that information now," Jacqueline said.
"Are our families safe?" Liz asked.
"Yes," Jacqueline said.
"Okay but you said 3/5 of our spouses were in the search history and we left them and our kids," I said.
"Yes, I know, we promise we are doing everything we can," Jacqueline said.
I was worried about Amelia. She gave me such little details and now she was on the other side of the country. I called her and it went straight to voicemail. I tried again and same thing.
"Is mom okay?" Liam asked, I hadn't realized anyone was in the kitchen with me.
"Yeah she fine, just working on a case," I said.
"Connecticut is far," Liam said.
"It's about a 7 hour flight, yeah," I said.
"So why would they need someone 7 hours away?" Liam said.
"Well your mother and uncle are the best of the best," I said.
"Okay," he nodded. I was worried how suspicious he was getting. I mean I didn't even really know what was going on.
My mom and uncle aren't working on a case. I'm not stupid. The rest of my siblings might buy this but I don't. I ran upstairs and opened Ava's door.
"Get your computer," I said.
"Why?" She said.
"Because I don't think mom is in Connecticut," I said.
"Close the door," Ava said.
"Twin pact?" I said.
"Yes," she said and moved over. I locked my pinkie with hers and she opened her computer.
"What are we looking for?" She said.
"I don't know," I said.
"Oh my god!" Ava said, "the men who tried to break in!"
"What?" I said.
"Dad said she acted weird when he told her the names of the men who tried to break in," Ava said.
"Okay," I said, "can't we look that up?"
"I guess," Ava said, "here I found it!" I grabbed a post it note and wrote down the three names.
"Wait what's that?" I asked and scrolled down to a news story.
"Thomas Vega break in after 42 year sentence after the murder of Christopher Shepherd," Ava said softly.
"Mom's dad?" I said.
"I guess," Ava said, "unless she had another brother?"
"Click on it," I said. We scrolled down and read it.
"He was killed right in front of her," Ava said, "no wonder she doesn't talk about it."
"Do you think we're in trouble? Why would she just go?" I asked.
"Wait," Ava said, "there were two men."
"So the other one is still out there," I said.
"Shit," Ava said. The door opened and it was Logan.
"What are you doing?" Logan asked.
"Nothing," I said and Ava closed her computer.
"What's going on?" Logan asked.
"Liam is trying to help me fix my computer, I think there's a bug or something it keeps crashing," Ava lied.
"Oh well I'm no help," Logan said and left. He closed the door and Ava took out her phone.
"She put us on that tracking app," Ava said and took her phone out.
"What is it I'll write down the address," I said.
"1447 Sherwood Avenue, Connecticut," she said.
"Can't we just look up who lives there?" I said.
"Zillow!" She said. We pulled up Zillow and put the address in, and sure enough, it was registered to my Aunt Nancy.
"She hates Nancy why would she be there?" Ava said.
"I don't know," I said.
"Amelia, did you talk to Jacqueline?" I heard my dad say on the phone to my mom as he walked past my door.
"Jacqueline?" I said.
"We could check mom's contacts," Ava said.
"Okay Nancy Drew," I chuckled, "Mom took her phone."
"The computer downstairs in the office," I said.
"Let's go," she said. We ran downstairs and walked into the office and turned the computer on.
"Shit there's a password?" Ava said.
"How would I know I haven't used this computer since like third grade," I chuckled.
"Ask Noah, he uses it to buy or look up books all the time," Ava said.
"You're coming with," I said. We got up and Ava knocked on Noah's door.
"Come in," Noah said.
"Hey do you know the password for the computer downstairs?" Ava asked.
"It's daddy's birthday," Noah said, "didn't you know that?"
"Well I haven't used the computer in a while because I have my chrome book but the Bluetooth isn't working with my printer so I have to print my essay downstairs," Ava said.
"Oh okay," Noah said. We went back downstairs and so put dad's birthday back in.
"Bingo," I said.
"Go to contacts on the bottom," Ava said. I clicked it and searched in the J's and found a Jacqueline Cox.
"Write down the name and number," I said. Ava grabbed a notepad and took everything down. We shut the computer down and went back upstairs before anyone noticed what we were doing.
"Okay so now we just have to find out who she is," Ava said and opened her computer. She put her name in the search bar and we waited for results.
"She's a security/protection attorney and law firm associate from Connecticut," Ava said.
"So like the secret service?" I said.
"Yeah except mom isn't the president," She chuckled.
"But you know what that means," I said.
"Moms in trouble," She said.

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