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I walked into work and saw Meredith and Maggie.
"Morning," I yawned.
"Good morning," Maggie said.
"You look tired what happened to you?" Meredith chuckled.
"I was up all night," I chuckled.
"With the kids? Is everything alright?" Maggie said.
"Maggie," I laughed, "I was up all night having sex."
"Only you," Meredith chuckled as we started walking towards the attendings lounge.
"All night?" Maggie chuckled.
"Yes ma'am," I laughed , "Evelyn had the kids and we had the house to ourselves."
"Ugh you're lucky," Meredith chuckled.
"Aren't your children old enough that you can just kick them out for a few hours," I joked.
"Amelia!" Meredith laughed.
"I'm just saying Zola and Bailey are at college and Ellis is in her senior year," I chuckled, "I manage and riley is 9."
"Oh my god shut up," Maggie chuckled.
"Oh by the way your wonderful mother is coming into town," Meredith said.
"When?" I said.
"Amelia!" I heard.
"Now," Maggie chuckled. I turned around and saw my mom walking with Derek.
"Hi mom," I said and hugged her.
"Hi Ms Shepherd," Maggie smiled.
"Maggie!" She said, "don't be ridiculous you know you can call me Carolyn." Maggie hugged her and the five of us started walking down the hall.
"Happy belated birthday Amelia! And where is your adorable husband?" My mom asked.
"In surgery," I said.
"Oh when will he be out I'd love to see him," she said.
"I don't know, probably soon mom," I said, I swear she loves Owen more than me.
"We should go out to lunch," my mom said, "all of us!"
"I'm busy," I said and looked at Derek.
"No you aren't," Derek said.
"Yes I am," I said, "consult." He chuckled and I ran down the hall. My pager went off and it was Owen.
"Office," it read. I smiled and got in the elevator and opened his office door.
"Hey," he said as he got up and kissed me.
"My moms here," I blurted out.
"Do you want me to be a buffer?" He chuckled.
"Well she wants to see you, I told her you were in surgery, how was it?" I said.
"It went well, the boy is okay, I scrubbed about like 15 minutes ago," he said.
"Can you please talk to my mom so I don't have to," I laughed.
"Sure Mia," he chuckled.
"Oh my gosh thank you," I said and kissed him.
"Of course," He chuckled. We walked out of his office and my mom was on this floor talking to Meredith.
"Go talk to her," I nudged Owen.
"Relax oh my god," Owen chuckled.
"I don't wanna do it," I laughed.
"Okay I'm going," Owen said. I nudged him as we walked over.
"Owen!" My mom smiled and hugged him.
"It's so good to see you!" Owen said and hugged her back.
"You too, how are you?" My mom asked him.
"I'm good, yeah we're good, how are you and anthony?" He asked her.
"Oh we're good," My mom said, "Amelia did you tell him about our lunch plans?" Owen looked at me and mouthed "lunch?"
"Um no actually I figured you wanted to tell him," I faked a smiled.
"Well since we are all here, you two, Meredith and Derek, Maggie and Andrew, and I are all going out to lunch," my mom said and hugged him again.
"Sounds like fun," Owen said, "Right Amelia?" I gave him a death glare and he chuckled.
"Yes," I said.
"Perfect, we'll go in 20?" My mom said.
"Sure," Owen said. Owen started walking down the hallway with me and I hit his arm.
"Lunch?" I said.
"You make me go in there without telling me!" He said.
"You could have said no!" I said.
"You could have said no!" He chuckled.
"Owen," I complained.
"Hey, I'll just be the buffer okay?" He chuckled.
"Why can't your mom make surprise visits at the hospital, I like your mom," I said. He chuckled and pecked my lips. I pouted and he kissed me again. His pager went off and he looked at it.
"Incoming trauma," he said.
"That means you can't go to lunch," I sighed.
"Neither can you you're scrubbing in," he chuckled.
"Oh my god I love you," I said.
"I love you too," he chuckled.

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