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I was playing video games with Jamie when my door opened.
"Can you pause it?" Ava asked.
"Yes, hold on," I said, "hey Jamie it's my sister I'll be right back."
"Okay," Jamie said into the headset and I paused the game.
"What's up?" I said.
"He asked me out," Ava said. She closed the door and sat down at the edge of my bed.
"What did you say?" I said.
"I said yes," she said, "twin pact?" She held her pinkey out and I linked it with mine.
"Twin pact," I said.
"Dads gonna over react if he knows," She chuckled.
"You're right," I said.
"What about Jamie? You two exclusive now?" She said.
"Not exactly," I chuckled, "were talking."
"I guess that's what Justin and I have been doing," she chuckled.
"Yeah except I don't see you talking that much just sucking each other's faces off," I said. She threw a pillow at me.
"I hate you," she said.
"Mom and Dad are gonna find out eventually," I said.
"I know, but I don't want them to freak out," She said.
"Whatever you want ava," I chuckled.
Today was Ava's field hockey game and Logan's soccer game. I rolled over and Owen wasn't in bed.
"Owen," I said softly.
"Yes honey?" He said from the bathroom.
"Come here," I said. He walked over and I grabbed his arm and pulled him back into bed with me.
"Good morning," I giggled and kissed his cheek.
"Good morning," he said and pecked my lips. I looked at the clock and it was 9. I pecked Owens lips again and got up to make coffee. Olivia was helping Riley and Noah with something in the kitchen.
"Good morning," I smiled.
"Good morning mom," Olivia said.
"What are you all up to?" I said.
"Olivia is showing us how to make a Minecraft castle!" Noah said.
"Sounds like fun," I smiled and kissed their heads. Owen entered the kitchen and I smiled as he kissed me.
"What are you kiddos up to?" Owen said as he wrapped his arms around my waist.
"Minecraft!" Riley smiled.
We were driving to Ava's game and she was so excited which was so cute. It was the second game of the season and she did really well in her first game so I know she'll do amazing. We got to the field Ava hugged us goodbye.
"Good luck you're going to do amazing," I smiled.
"Good luck! Knock em dead Ava," Owen said.
"Good luck!" The kids smiled. I smiled and Ava ran over to her teammates. I was walking with Olivia, Liam, and Logan, and Owen went with Riley and Noah to go get some snacks. We were walking to the bleachers and I saw Ava's friend.
"Hey," I said and looked at Liam, "is that the boy ava likes?"
"Ava likes a boy?" He said, "first I heard."
"Don't lie to me!" I chuckled.
"I'm not," he said, "I don't know anything about that."
"One of you must," I said.
"Sorry mom but we have no obligation to give such information," Logan said. I chuckled as we sat down.
The game was over and her team won. She did such a good job! Her team won 6-2 and she scored one of the goals. We were all so proud of her. We were walking to the field to meet her and I saw her hugging that boy.
"Is that him?" Owen asked.
"Yeah," I said.
"You know nothing about that?" I chuckled and looked at Liam.
"Nope, don't even know who that is," Liam said. I looked at Logan and Olivia.
"Wow Ava likes boys? That's crazy I didn't know that," Logan joked.
"You two," I chuckled. Ava came over and riley ran over time her.
"You did so good!" Riley smiled.
"Aw thanks riley," Ava smiled and hugged her. We all congratulated her and were on our way to the car to head to Logan's game. I walked over to Ava who was talking to Olivia.
"So did he come to see you play?" I asked.
"Oh uh I guess he did," Ava said. I smiled as she continued talking to Olivia.
"So who is he?" Owen said as he walked next to me.
"Hey you can freak out later okay?" I chuckled.
"Why can't I freak out now?" He joked.
"Because I said no," I chuckled and kissed his cheek.
"Amelia," he pouted.
"Stop pouting," I chuckled.
"Fine," he said.
I was kinda freaking out. Amelia thinks Ava has a boyfriend, she's my little girl. I don't know how I feel about it. We were now at Logan's soccer game and I was sitting next to Amelia. Riley and Noah were mezmorized by the game. They admired their big siblings so much, especially in sports. Liam, Ava, and Olivia were sitting with a few people they knew from their school, one of them being Ava's potential boyfriend. I looked over and Ava was sitting in between him and Liam, and Olivia was a few rows down sitting with a few girls her age.
"Dude stop spying on her," Amelia chuckled.
"I'm not!" I protested.
"You're so freaking out," She chuckled.
"I'm allowed to, shes one of my little girls," I said, "I don't want them to all grow up."
"I know, I don't either," she said.
Logan's game went amazing too! He also scored a goal and his team one by 1 goal in the last few minutes. Noah ran over to him to congratulate him which was so cute. I looked at Amelia and she smiled.
"We should get ice cream to celebrate," I said in Amelias ear.
"Or you just want ice cream," she chuckled.
"I do you're right," I said.
"We can," she said. I saw Ava walking with that boy and she looked really happy. I was just distraught over my baby girl growing up so quickly.

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