Royal Trouble (3)

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Zayn's P.O.V.

"What do you wanna do tonight?" Miles said laying on my bed throwing a ball up and down trying to entertain himself until the girls came

"I don't know, I guess just talk about life,"

Mile gave me a dumb look, "About life?"

Scoffing I glare at it, "You are going to take Layla in the other room in less five minutes anyway, so just shut up."

Layla and him, well it was complicated they dated in secrecy when they were younger, things didn't really end on good terms until I stepped in and told them that one day their marriage was going to bring two kingdoms together and their childish behavior was going to ruin that. 

Layla didn't want any part of Miles well because he cheated on her, but now ever since she came back for the engagement they can't keep their hands off each other. 

Miles rolled his eyes at me, "Whatever,"

Eddie stepped in before I could say anything back to him, "Zayn, Sarai, and Arabella are here. Layla sent a message that she will be here in about five minutes."

A smirk made its way onto my face, "Send them in,"

Ellie walked in cautiously behind Sarai, locking eyes with me she rolled her eyes at me before looking at me, "Where is Layla?" Sarai said standing in front of us 

Miles shrugged, "She will be here soon, sit down."

Ellie looked around the room, "Where?"

Tilting my head a little to the side, I patted my lap, "This spot is empty,"

Her eyes widen so much I thought they would pop out, clearing her throat she shook her head, "N-No I think I'll just stand."

"Sorry, I am late." Layla said rushing in ruining my fun grabbing onto their hands she pulled them down on the bed, "Its so nice to see you guys again."

Sarai smiled, "Its nice to see you to Layla,"

She sighed looking back at me slapping my thigh, "Stop staring at them like you are about to kill them. This was your idea."

Rolling my eyes I jump off the bed brushing past her I call Eddie in, he is our age, but duties got passed on to him to dast. Other than Miles, Eddie is my only friend. My best friend. 

"I can't come in I have to protect your room," Eddie said resisting my pull 

"No one is going to attack my room and anyways I got permission from dad to have you join too, someone will come to stand outside in a bit. Calm down."

He sighed giving into my grip walking inside of my room, "Everyone this is Eddie, Eddie you know Miles, that is his fiance Layla," I said pointing towards her, "That is Sarai, and she is Ellie."

"Arabella, but you can call me Bella." She said cutting in trying to hide her glare, she hated the nickname I gave her. 

"Um.. everyone can just call me Raya, its much easier than saying, Sarai." She said blushing a little

"Sounds good," Eddie said winking at her, before shrugging off my grip to go sit beside Miles.

"So, what does everyone want to do?"

Biting my lip I say, "We could watch a movie, or we could play spin the bottle."

Ellie squints at me shaking her head, "I don't think that a good idea, a movie would be better."

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