Royal Trouble(31)

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Arabella's P.O.V.

"Bray please go back to sleep you're going to wake up your sister," Brazen began to cry even louder as I said that about to cry myself I tried to get him to latch onto me again. "Bray please,"

Its been a week since I gave birth to them and Zayn has been no help. At all. He made a room for them giving them two small cribs, a nice nursery station but helping me was out of the question. 

Bray finally latched onto me again after about an hour of struggle letting out a sigh of relief I relaxed into my chair again. 

Having twins and handling them all by yourself is so hard if only Zayn could understand that. I had Raya with me for the first couple of days but then he sent her off again to the kitchen. 

Bray greedily drank milk before slowing his pace down lulling back to sleep. This past week I hadn't slept at all, maybe two hours a night if lucky four. Biting my lip I push him away from me gently placing him in his crib bundling the blankets around him, trying not to make a sound at all. 

Out of the two, he was the more whinner one, Nala always was happy unless she was really really hungry. 

Layla came in smiling rocking Addie in her arms, "Need some company?" She whispered sitting down in the chair beside me.

"The more the merrier, how is she?" I whispered back

"She's fine, I just stepped out of the room, Miles was complaining about her crying so much." I rolled my eyes at him. 

"Seriously it's his daughter too."

"I know, Zayn isn't much help either I'm guessing?"

"Not at all,"

"Well at least they made their room look good, Addie, Nala, and Bray are going to grow up like best friends." She said smiling at me,

Looking around the room I nodd, they did do a good job, "Yeah, they did."

Layla got up placing Addie back in her crib, "Who knew being a mother meant losing sleep, and sanity."

I chuckled, "I know right and the fathers sleep peacefully not giving a shit."

Layla looked at me curiously, "How did this even happen?"

"One stupid, stupid mistake led up to all this." I said running my fingers through my hair, "But at least I got something good out of it."

Layla giggled, "Yeah they make it worht it,"

Looking at her, "Is Miles not being good to you?"

She rolled her eyes at me, "Our marriage isn't a marriage, its a deal so there won't be a war between the two kingdoms. Sure He and I dated for a little bit when we were younger but we broke up for a reason. Miles is just..." She sighed, "He doesnt have a care for another's feelings all he knows is what he wants at the moment and he takes it. No matter who gets hurt."

Sounds exactly like Zayn, "I don't want Addie to grow up thinking that's in a way I'm glad he has no interest in her, that way I can make sure that she grows up with proper values, manner, a heart..."

Grabbing her hand gently I squeeze it, "I understand, I totally understand, don't worry well raise amazing children. We'll be there to help each other if they aren't helping us."

Layla stretched out her back, "I am so tired," she groaned

Yawning I relaxed back into the reclining chair, "Me too,"

"You know the second I got to sleep, she's going to wake up again," Layla mumbled, shaking my head at her I say, "It's okay I got her, take a nap."

"Thank you," She whispered, and just like that she was sleeping. 

Just as I was about to fall asleep there was a quiet knock on the door, standing up I prop it open a little, Miles... "What's up?" I whispered to him stepping out of the room.

He looked at me rubbing his head, "Is Layla in there?"

"Yeah, she is sleeping with Addie why?" Biting his lip he groaned, "Miles?"

"We had an argument,"


Miles looked at me, he looked tired, "Just over Addie, I... I said something I shouldn't have said and she stormed out. All I want to know is she okay? I mean are both of them okay?"

Letting out a shaky breath I nodded, "Yeah, they are fine. Addie is just sleeping in her crib and Layla is sleeping in one of the chairs."

"Okay," He said backing away, "I'll just-"



"Look I don't know you very well, and I know I shouldn't be meddling but just take it easy on her okay? Maybe think before you speak, I know it may be a shocker but we are still the same person after having kids, but its barely been a week. Maybe I don't know help out with Addie? Give Layla a break once in a while so she can sleep,  maybe...just maybe that'll make up for what you said to her." I said smiling at him.

Miles shook his head, "I don't think I'll ever be forgiven for what I said,"

Furrowing my eyebrows I ask, "What did you say?"

"I said..." He bit his lip, "I never wanted Addie in the first place, and that I couldnt care less about what happens to her."

Gasping I put my hand up to my mouth, "Miles," I snapped,

"It was purely out of anger," He whispered, "I love her...I love Addie... it's just sometimes I have trouble expressing it and it comes out wrong."

Shaking my head at him I sigh, "Just do what I said, and her anger will ease. I promise, just promise me you will never say that to her again."

Miles smiled at me, "You know Bella, you will make a great Queen,"

I chuckled smacking his shoulder lightly, "Go get her, I got Addie for the night."

Miles did something I never thought he will, He hugged me. "Thank you so much, I promise those words will never slip out of my mouth again."

"Any time," I said pulling out of the hug, "Now go but quietly, don't wake up all three of them at once or I will kill you."

Miles laughed tiptoeing into the room he picked her up gently bringing her back out, "Good Night Bella,"

"Good Night Miles,"

Sighing I walk back into the nursery and stare down at the kids lovingly, 

I wish I could sleep like that carefree, worry-free, just in a deep sleep knowing I was safe, kissing their cheeks I went back to the chair and looked out the window.

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