Royal Trouble (7)

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Arabella's P.O.V.

Sighing I sit down on my bed getting ready to leave to go visit the cemetery today was the day Dad passed away, and only a week before mom had... Pushing back my tears I grabbed my bag and head out the door. 

Raya never liked to visit them, she couldn't, so she would always send roses with me to lay on Uncle David's and Aunt May's Stone. Wiping my tears that slipped out of my eyes I walked out of the Palace gates, all the wat to the Cemetary.

In the Loving Memory of Kaden Ross Clay

  A loving father, brother, son, and husband. 

January 6, 1971 - September 10, 2010

Right beside him was Mom's Grave

In the Loving Memory of Elena Cassidy Clay

A loving Mother, Daughter, Sister, and Wife. 

May 16, 1978 - Septemeber 17, 2010

Taking a deep breath I sit in between the graves like I use to sit in between them when I was little. "Hi mom, Hi dad... How are you, you guys? Nevermind stupid question, probably having a blast up there right? Watching down on me, right?" 

Beginning to choke up, I take a break, "Did you see what happen to me? Were you watching over me then? Daddy, he hurt me, he hurt me so bad..." My voice cracked, "I still have flashbacks of that night, I wish you were here, to make it better. I wish you were there to help me, save me."

"Mom, did you see me? Mom, I need you, I need you to tell me it will be better, I need you to tell me that it'll get better, I need you to call me beautiful even when I don't feel it. I need you to tell me I didn't deserve it, I didn't deserve to be raped."

Squeezing my eyes shut I pushed back the memories that were rising of that night, "He said, that I-I deserved it, I w-was asking for it. I still d-don't know why. Raya found me in an ally bruised, cut, barely dressed..."

"I felt so dirty, so disgusting...but I didn't give up, I fought it. I got back up just like you guys said, never give up, never give up because I was your hope, hope to something good. But I'm running out of energy, fighting against my brain, it's exhausting. Never sleeping at night, fear of the dark, working all day and then having nightmares."

Letting out a shaky breath I wipe away my tears, "But I'll fight, fight for the both of you. I miss you, I miss you so so much. " Kissing their stones, I stand up "I love you so much," I whisper to them before walking over to Uncle David and Aunt May's Stone.

 In the Loving Memory of David Gray Jackson 

Loving Father, Husband, and Son. 

August 6, 1971 - October 12, 2010

 In the Loving Memory of May Liv Jackson 

Loving Mother, Wife, and Daughter

May 4, 1974 - October 14, 2010

"Hey Aunt May, Uncle David, Raya is fine, she... she is just a little stubborn. I promise she misses you both a lot, I miss you too. I take care of her, she takes care of me, we got each other back so don't worry. Maybe...Maybe one day I'll get her to come with me to visit."

Sighing I put down the roses on their stone, "Shell come around, but she cries at night, every night, for both of you. You can say we are just two broken girls trying to fix each other, but if you do want to know the juicy details, I think she found her prince charming. Eddie, he the royal guard fro Prince Zayn, he is nice, a true gentleman and yes Uncle Davide I'm sure he will take great care of her." Smiling I sit down in front of them, "But there is one thing, Prince Zayn is kind of an ass, he harasses me, takes advantage of other girls and he's just plain out rude, I'm not comfortable around him, but Eddie eases up a little. Eddie relaxes  when he is around him, becomes a normal young adult you know and I think that he  is great for Raya."

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