Royal Trouble (6)

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Zayn's P.O.V.

I woke up groaning, last night was fun dancing with Ellie and everything but Eddie, Miles and I had an after-party. Lots of girls, lots of booze and definitely a lot of sex. Looking over to my side I see a girl sprawled out all over the bed her golden blond hair oozing out of the blanket not letting me see her face. 

Quietly getting out of bed, I put on some boxers to cover myself up a little while grabbing her dress off the floor. "Hey," I said gently shaking her, "You have to get up,"

The girl groaned pushing my hand off of her snuggling into the bed more, annoyed I shook her harder, "Seriously get up,"

She woke up in a panic covering herself with the blanket, "What?" Her eyes widened as she realized it was me. "Prince Zayn..."

"Yeah, it's me. Hurry up you need to leave before anyone sees us."

She looked at me confused, "Excuse me?"

Throwing the dress at her I say, "Put this on and leave..."

"Ever," She said offended, "My name is Ever, Prince."

"Stop, calling me Prince, call me Zayn. Ever, you need to hurry up and then Eddie will escort you out of the Palace, there will be a car outside ready to take you home."

Sighing she did as I said, slipping the dress on underneath the blanket while glaring at me, ripping the blanket off of herself, she pushed past me. Letting out a heavy sigh I grabbed her arm, "Look, don't take it personally. I just have fun..."

"Right," Ever said pulling her arm out of my grip, "I understand Prince, but I feel bad for whoever turns out to be your Princess when she finds out how you really are."

"Excuse me? Watch your-"

"Why did it hurt? Good, that's good. Now you will know better than to treat a girl who gave her body to you like shit."

"You came to me willingly," I had never had trouble kicking girls out of my room before but this girl is getting on my nerves, How dare she go against me? "I didn't tell you to come to grind on me Ever, so maybe you should remember your actions before you blame me."

She opened and closed her mouth like a fish not having anything to say, "Right, get the hell out of my room. Eddie! Escort her out of the palace and make sure she never comes back."

She huffed glaring at me shaking off Eddie's grip before storming off, who was standing behind her changed my whole demeanor, Ellie. 

She was standing there looking disgusted at me holding my morning coffee and muffin. Oh Fucking Hell. 

Clearing her throat she looked away, "So this is what Prince's do to one night stands? Sleep with them than ban them from the Palace, classy very classy."

"Ellie..." She put her hand up stopping me from going on,

"I don't need an explanation. I just came to give your morning coffee and muffin before you annoyed me, so..."

Sighing I stepped forward grabbing the tray from her slightly brushing my fingers over hers, "Thank you."

She looked up at me raising an eyebrow, "Manners, that's a new thing. Where were they when you were belittling that girl for sleeping with you?"

I close my eyes trying to control my anger, "Look if you would just come inside and I'll explain everything to you."

"What? What is there to explain? You don't owe me explanation first of all and second of all I am not interested." Ellie began to walk away from me but for some reason, it didn't feel right. 

"Wait! Just give me five minutes." I yelled after her putting my plate down

Ellie gave me a blank look, "Did you sleep with her?" She said taking a step forward


"Did you wake up next to her?" Another step

"Yes but-"

"Did you remember her name?" Another step

"Yes," I said, she looked at me tilting her head to the side "No" Another step

"Thought so, did you kick her out of your room?" Stopping in front of me she crossed her arms over her chest.


 "What is it that you want to explain to me about this situation?" She said looking up at me, "Mm?"

"Well, I...Nothing." I said giving up knowing I wasn't going to win this fight any time soon. 

"Right, enjoy your breakfast, Prince Zayn," Ellie said giving me a final look before walking away from me as I groaned grabbing my hair slightly before slamming my doors shut. 

She just had to show up when I'm kicking my one night stand out.

Aggressively biting into a piece of my muffin I slump down on my bed, I thought I was making progress after last night, making tiny room in her heart but I guess not. Fuck I just need to get her out of my mind. If I could have one night I wouldn't look in her direction again but no she has to be difficult.

A fucking panic attack after I barely touched her, I couldn't take my chances with overwhelming her again. 

One taste and then I'll be gone.

But how is the question, how do I get her to trust me? Let me be around her...

Eddie came back shaking his head at me, "What?" I snapped at him 

He put his hands up in surrender, "Nothing, what's up your ass?"

"Nothing, just a little frustrated don't worry about it though, did she leave?"

He chuckled, "That girl was a fighter, she said she would complain to King telling him what an asshole his son is."

"Oh whatever, she was getting for mouthy for me." I said standing up handing him my tray, "Thank you for taking her out."

"Yeah, yeah"

"Is Annie coming today?" I ask as he began to walk away

"No, tomorrow, she'll be joining Bella and Raya in the kitchen team."

I raise my eyebrow, "Really?" Biting my lip I try to hide my smile, "Sounds great."

Eddie gave me a weird look, "Yeah, see you later."

Perfect, I found my way in. 

Author's Note:

Hey Guys,

How are you guys liking the story so far? Please let me know if you are enjoying it. 

Lots of love.

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