Royal Trouble (30)

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Arabella's P.O.V.

"We have to get a gown ready for you Bella for the ball tonight," Tessa said pacing around the room trying to figure out what to pair with the gorgeous white gown sitting in front of me. She stopped in front of me, "You aren't nervous, are you? I mean this is your first ball sitting beside Zayn."

Letting out a shaky breath I smile at her, "A little, but I think I'll be okay."

Tessa smiled at me, "That's good, well I have had you here for a long time, go and get ready for the ball sweetie."

Sighing I struggle to stand up, "Could you please help me?" I asked her

"Of course," Tessa grabbed my arm helping me up to our room, "Here we are,"

"Thank you," I whispered slightly out of breath,

"Anytime Bella, see you soon,"

Lightly smiling at her I look down at the gown and groan, I am going to have to wear that all night with heels, complete and utter torture for me. 

I had never wished to become a royal, I hated wearing dresses in general even for the small events the palace held now I have to get used to wearing large dresses all the time. Having eyes on me all the time and my kids. 

Stretching my back, I go to walk to the bathroom but something stops me, there was a box underneath the dress. Grabbing it I open it up, it was a beautiful sparkly ring, gasping I pulled it out of the small box, god it was beautiful.

"You like it?"

Suprised I almost dropped the ring, turning around I come face to face with the one person I had been avoiding for the past two days. Looking away from Zayn I put the ring back in its place, "Yeah..."

He pushed off the door frame shutting the door behind him, "Are you staying at Raya's tonight too?"


"Could you come back?" He said looking down at the floor,

Biting my lip I shook my head, "I don't know, I like staying there,"

"You don't sleep well there Ellie,"

"I do," I snapped at him, "I sleep a lot better there than here,"

He glared at me, "Stop acting like a little kid Ellie, you saw me kissing some other girl so fucking what? We are not together." He said pointing between us. 

"I am not acting like a little kid." I snapped suddenly there was a sharp pain shooting in my stomach. "Just leave me alone." I groaned

"This is my room,"


There it was again, "You're so infuriating Ellie."

Shoving away from him I made my way to the bathroom trying to focus on my breathing shutting the door in his face I sat on the toilet with the seat down. "Zayn?"

"What Ellie?"

Biting my lip I gripped to the sidebar, "Why do you hate me so much?"


Graoning louder from the pain I squeezed the bar harder, what the fuck is happening? Is the baby okay?

"I said why do you hate me so much?"

"I just do, why are you asking me-"

"Ow," I gasped painfully the pain was all over my body now, barely standing up I quickly lock the door stopping him from coming inside. Zayn turned the nob frantically 

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