Royal Trouble (12)

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Arabella's P.O.V.

"Do you Miles Gage Arden take Layla Luna Grant as your lawfully wedded wife?" The priest said looking over at Miles.

"I do."

"Do you Layla Luna Grant take Miles Gage Arden as your lawfully wedded husband?"

"I do"

"You may kiss the bride,"

Miles grabbed Layla and pulled her in giving her a small kiss, "I pronounce you wife and husband."

Everyone stood up cheering, "Miles and Layla will be back in a few minutes please stick around for the first dance of them as husband and wife," Zayn said taking the Priests spot. "Until then enjoy the appetizers and drinks made by our lovely cooks Arabella and Sarai."

Our eyes shot open, the crowd turned around to look at us, "Please try them, have a good night." 

The crowd immediately went over to the buffet table as Miles and Layla went to go change, "What was that?" Raya whispered to me. "Is he trying to be nice to us?"

"I think so?" I whispered back confused. "Whatever so tell me how was your makeout session with Eddie."

Her face turned bright red, "Shut Up Bella,"

Chuckling I nudge her a bit, "Seriously Raya, hes a nice guy don't push him away because of me okay? Whatever happen to me happen, its in the past. Eddie is a sweet guy and he seems like he really cares about you and you care about him too."

Raya smiled lightly, "Yeah, he is really sweet. You sure about this though because-"

"Be happy Raya,"

She squealed hugging me really tight, "I love you Bella,"

"Love you too Raya."

"Alright everyone please be seated for the arrival of Mr and Mrs. Arden." Zayn said grabbing the mike again, "This is their first dance as a married couple after the first song please join in all couples are welcome on the floor. Enjoy the night."

The song began to play as Layla and Miles gently swayed to the beat, Miles said something in her making her blush bright red as Raya did moments ago.

"Do you think we will get our Mr. Perfect one day?" Raya whispered staring at them

"I think you already found him," She hushed me shaking her head. 

"What about you?"

Sighing I shook my head, "I don't know, I think so..."

"That was beautiful Miles and Layla, please come join them." King Noah said taking over, "But before we continue on we have another announcement. As you all know it has been a long time since I have reigned over this kingdom but now it is time to step down for me. Too much stress isn't good for this old heart anymore, so why not add a little more happiness on this wonderful occasion."

Raya and I look at each other confused,  "Zayn?"

Zayn walked up to King Noah standing beside him, "Today I step down from my position naming my elder son Zayn Leo Arden King of this Kingdom."

Taking his crown off, he removed Zayn's gently and put his on his head. "From today, he will be the one you answer too, respect and he vows to protect this kingdom as I have for the past 30 years."

The crowd of guests began cheering and hooting holding their wine glasses up in the air, "To King Zayn,"

Queen Tessa hugged Zayn, congratulating him so did Miles and Layla, "Continue the celebrations."

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