Royal Trouble (22)

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Zayn's P.O.V. (Two years ago)

"Baby wake up," Sahara said shaking me a bit, "Come on I really have to pee,"

"Mm," I groaned tightening my arms around her,

"Baby, your baby is pressing down on my bladder so unless you want me to pee on this bed, I suggest you let me go." She said trying to push me away. 

Rubbing her stomach I smile letting her go not before pecking her lips I roll over to my side still with my eyes closed, "Come back soon,"

Sahara chuckled shoving me a little before disappearing, causing me to chuckle too. 

I can't believe we were having a baby, it was going to be a lot of responsibility but I felt as if I was ready, ready to be a father, ready to be a great husband, ready to be a great King. 

Sighing I got up staring at Sahara as she waddled back to me, "Your baby is being a pain in the ass King,"

I roll over on top of her gently laying kisses on down on her stomach, "Hey Ace," I whispered, "Stop bugging mommy okay?"

He kicked her stomach as if he was responding, "That's not what I meant," I said laughing looking up at Sahara she was staring down at me lovingly, "He stubborn already, he goes after you."

"I love you,"

"I love you too Sahi,"

I got up getting ready for the ceremony of  dad passing the crown down to me, "Are you, nervous baby?" She said laying down on the bed again rubbing her stomach,

"A little, I don't know if I'll be a great king or not."

"You'll be fine Zay, you are ana amazing person, and that's all it matters. A great King is defined by his heart, you have a giant one."

Chuckling I shake my head, "You have a check-up today right?"

"Yeah, but don't worry about me, I will be back before the ceremony,"

"You better be," Stepping out of the bathroom, I saw her all ready grabbing her purse. 

Sahara came over to me pecking my lips, "I'll be fine,"

Leaning down I kissed her stomach "Be good for Mommy okay?"

"See you later," She said before walking away,  

A couple of hours later,  "Zayn we can't wait any longer, Sahara must be caught up,"

No something didn't feel right, shaking my head I tried her cell phone again this time someone picked up, it wasn't her though, "Hello?" It was a guy 

"Hello? Who is this?" I said frantically into the phone, 

"I am a hospital operator, Sahara Brooklyn, do you know her sir?"

My heart started to beat faster, "Yes, she's my fiance,"

"I'm sorry Sir, but she was met with an accident, she is in critical condition." My head began spinning, 

"What?" I whispered into the phone,

"Sir it'll be best if you come here fast, she has little time left."

Dropping everything I ran out of the room ignoring thousands of stares I rushed to the hospital, my heart stopped she had deep wounds, it looked like she was struggling to breathe her hands were hugging her stomach. 

Walking over to her quickly I move her hair out of her face gently opening her eyes she smiled at me, "Hey King,"

"Hey Sweetie," I whispered, "What happened?"

"C-Car accident, another guy died on impact." She said through the pain,


"Ace," She whispered pulling my hand over her stomach, "I lost him," A tear dropped from her, "I-I'm sorry."

"No," I said firmly, "Don't apologize. It wasn't your fault."

Grabbing my hand she kissed it, "I don't have much time Zayn,"

"No," Shaking my head, "Please Sahara,"

"I'm running out of strength Zay," She winced speaking her breathing picked up, "Just promise me one thing."


"You'll find happiness for me, you'll have a family, you'll find someone and love her as much as me."


"Promise me,"

Hesitating I kiss her lips one that last time, "I promise, I love you so much."

Giving me a gentle smile she tightened her grip on my hand before closing her eyes taking a breath in peace, "I love you too Zay,"

Taking another breath the line went flat, doctors came rushing in trying to save her as I stood there watching her being revived, but nothing worked. I should have never let her come alone, I should have been with her, I could have protected her. 

Sliding down against the wall I cried my heart out beside her body, I couldn't love anyone like her again, no one could take her place.

I love you Sahara and Ace.

End Of Flashback

Wiping away my tears I stood up looking out the window, I know what I promised her, I know she wanted me to find happiness, but no one understands me as she did. No one can love me the way she did. 

Losing her and our child the same day...broke me. I didn't want the crown, I didn't want any support, I turned into me, a lying, cheating, heartbreaking asshole who used girls. 

That's who I am, not what I was back then. 

But where can I find a girl who will accept me like that?

Author's Note:

Now that you see the way Zayn is what do you think of him? 

Still an ass or no?

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