Royal Trouble (29)

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Arabella's P.O.V ( 4 Months Later)

Groaning I try to find a good position to sit in as I waited for the nurse to call my name, this baby bump was going to be the death of me, in the past four months nothing special has really happened, Zayn and I fight regularly, Eddie and Raya are dating again, Annie moved in with Raya as I moved out to stay in Zayn's room because Tessa thought it would only be appropriate because I was going to be his queen. I hated moving in because Zayn was smirking the whole time because he got his way. Seven months pregnant was no fun, from last time my bump was huge. 

"Arabella Clay," Biting my lip I grab my stuff and waddle over to the room, "Hello,"

Dr. Stone came in chuckling as he saw me struggle to get on the table, "Hello Bella,"

"Hey, Dr. Stone,"

"Ready for the ultrasound?"

Graoning I winced as Bon-Bon kicked my stomach hard, "I think so," I said breathless, "I am so ready for him to come out,

He chuckled putting the cold cream on me, "Where is Zayn?"

"He is handling some business at the Palace,"

Dr. Stone looked at screen confused, "That's weird,"

"What's wrong?"

He looked at the screen closer searching for a heartbeat, instead of one, there were two. My heart skipped a beat, "Dr. Stone,"

"There's another baby, it was hiding behind one of your ribs pushing against your spine,"

Swallowing harshly I look at the screen carefully, "I'm having twins?"

Dr. Stone looked down smiling at me, "Yes Bella, twins."

"What gender?" I whisper

"It's a...girl." Oh my god...

"Are they healthy?"

"Perfect size, look very healthy." He said wiping the cream off giving me a hand to get up.

"Thank you," I said, "I need more of those back pain pills though, carrying them is ruining my back." I chuckled, "Worth it though,"

Dr. Stone wrote down a prescription, "Here you go, remember twice a day."

Sighing I nodd, "Thank you, see you next month."

"Bye Bella,"

Stepping out of the room I head out of the hospital where Eddie was waiting for me smiling, "So?"

"They are healthy,"

"They?" He said confused

"I'm having twins, I mean we are having twins," I said still shocked,

"No way, is the other one is a boy too?"

"Girl," I whispered, 

Getting into the car we drove to the Palace, Eddie helped me get out of the car, "Are you going to tell Zayn?"

"Kind of half to don't I?"

Eddie smiled, "Yeah I guess, let's go, he's not doing anything right now anyway."

Taking me to his office, we walked in without knocking I saw something I didn't want to see. Zayn making out with another girl. The smile that was permanent on Eddie and I face fell. 

"What the fuck?!" Eddie said angrily, they stopped kissing instantly the girl started to fix her clothes embarrassed while Zayn just stared at us blankly. His gaze locked on mine as his lips twitched into a smirk.

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